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Band 2
3 Verulam Buildings
18 Years Ranked

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Twenty Essex
18 Years Ranked

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Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers

Dispute Resolution: Commercial - UK

Band 1

What the Team is Known For

A set with profound commercial expertise that counts a number of the most well-known litigation barristers in the market within its ranks. Solicitors select One Essex Court for the choicest disputes. Members have been involved in some of the most highly publicised cases of recent times, including: Crypto Open Patent Alliance v Dr Steven Wright, a defamation claim against various bitcoin developers; The Federal Republic of Nigeria v Process & Industrial Developments, a dispute concerning the validity and enforcement of an arbitration award; and Qatar v Airbus, a USD2 billion contractual dispute. One commentator reports: “One Essex Court boasts some of the very best barristers at the Commercial Bar, who provide top-quality service and advice you can trust.” Another source remarks: “One Essex Court has an unrivalled depth of commercially experienced counsel.”

Darren Burrows is the Senior Clerk.


The clerking team consistently provides exceptional service, responding to inquiries promptly and efficiently.

Clerk team leader Adam Wheeler is unbelievable. He's just the gold standard in clerking; he's always available, proactive and really well-informed.

The clerks are extremely responsive, and deal promptly with everything from simple matters of liaising regarding availability to providing fee estimates and expected timelines.

The One Essex clerks go above and beyond to assist us. Senior Clerk Darren Burrows and First Deputy Senior Clerk Jackie Ginty are just very high-quality clerks and thoroughly nice people.

Deputy Senior Clerk Rob Smith and team leader's assistant Jack Miller are very responsive, knowledgeable and easy to deal with.

Notable practitioners

His reputation is for absolute brilliance.


Anthony operates at a different level with the judge; the way he puts points across is just astounding.

Laurie is an absolutely wonderful cross-examiner. He's very logical, thoughtful and direct in his approach.


Laurie is the doyen of the Commercial Bar. He is an absolute delight to work with and he wears his extraordinary talent lightly.


Laurie is a titan of the law.


He is one of the absolute heavyweights of the Commercial Bar.

Sonia is just so in tune with everything that is happening in the courtroom – the way the arguments are unfolding, the next move the opposition is going to make and the mood of the Bench.


In terms of advocacy, you couldn't find someone who is more silky smooth; she's just so calm and utterly charming.

Alain is wonderful, very enthusiastic and brilliantly smart.


His submissions are often head and shoulders above his counterparts, in terms of both substance and delivery. He is someone clients absolutely want in their corner.

He is a man of great intellect with an air of humility. Clients trust him completely and he always provides great strategic advice.


Daniel is extremely popular with clients and very well respected at the Bar. Very approachable and hands-on, he does high-calibre work.


Daniel is brilliant at drafting and amazing with clients.


Dan Toledano is an exceptional performer i he reads the room well and has great credibility with the judge.


Daniel is a very clever and experienced KC, who can cut through any issue. He is a go-to guy for difficult problems.

He is an absolutely fantastic advocate, in terms of both courtroom advocacy and also the ability to clearly and crisply explain anything to the client.


He is genuinely astonishing.


David is the most comfortable advocate in the court I've ever seen – the courtroom is his lounge. His mind is razor-sharp and he is super-eloquent.


He's someone that every court listens to when he is addressing the issues in a case.


David is very adept at striking up a rapport with the Bench and using the right words at the right moment. He also brings a bigger picture and view of the case, given his experience.

Emma is perfection among juniors. She writes beautifully, has brilliant judgement, and is a very good advocate orally.


She is ferociously clever and has a very lovely, personable manner. She's always cool and calm under pressure.


Emma is a star in the making. She has an understated style and really cuts through the weeds to get through to the important issues.

Kenneth has a real gravitas about him in court. He is a very good cross-examiner and knows what points are going to work.


Kenneth is wonderful; his tactical nous is top notch.


He is a very persuasive and compelling advocate, who is good at getting the judge on side.

She is incredibly client-friendly, but also great at technical pleadings. A whole range of clients seek her out.


Nehali is incredible. She is very clever, very down to earth and also very responsive and very straightforward.

Neil is just one of the very best. He focuses on what matters, legally and tactically, and he is equally at home debating refined legal points with the court or dispensing robust cross-examination.


Neil is a very powerful advocate. He is commanding and certainly able to make very forceful submissions about complex matters with a certain level of authority.


Neil is an extremely capable KC, with particularly outstanding advocacy skills.


His strategic advice is excellent. He's highly commercial in his approach and always prepared to go the extra mile for his clients.


He has a wonderful style in court; he's both charming and funny, but also has a great deal of gravitas.

Incredibly clever, diligent and a clear thinker, he gets in all of the big cases and is often in the Supreme Court.


Niranjan has such a beautiful mind. He is very clever and has that ability to distil extremely complex matters into simple concepts.


Niranjan is absolutely brilliant. He is very calm under pressure and he has an incredibly sharp and insightful mind.


Responsive, all over the detail, and someone who's around when you need him. He grasps all of the issues in a case and is utterly brilliant.


Niranjan is everyone's go-to junior barrister. A man with a brilliant mind, he's a certain future leader of the Commercial Bar.

Alex's legal analysis and commercial awareness are both second to none, making him a highly impressive and trusted adviser.


He's into the details, providing excellent advice and overall great client service. He has a deep knowledge of energy disputes, and is someone I'll be sure to instruct time and again.

Very few people at the Bar rival Tony for thoroughness. He will investigate everything, consider all the angles and find the best route to victory.


He's brilliant with clients and excellent in court.

She is one of the most impressive advocates on her feet.


Camilla is a go-to for tricky cases. Brave, clever and not afraid of a fight, she is excellent with clients and brilliant on her feet.


Hands-on, approachable and brilliant on her feet.


Camilla is a superb cross-examiner, whose written and oral advocacy is exceptional.

Conall produces excellent pieces of written advocacy.


Conall is very detail-orientated and he has very good judgement. He can make a difficult argument seem simple.


Extremely approachable and user-friendly, he offers commercial advice that clients can use. Excellent on his feet, he is just all-round brilliant.


He is incredibly calm and thoughtful, and his advocacy is very measured.

He is always all over the detail.


A very persuasive advocate.

David is calm, considered and easy to deal with.


David's speed of analysis is very impressive; he gets things and turns them around quickly. He is also a very good drafter.


He is extremely experienced and very clever.

David is extremely experienced and he is fantastic in his cross-examination style.


David is an experienced KC, who is both unflappable and pragmatic.

Nathaniel is an excellent senior junior, fast developing a reputation as a go-to barrister in his own right.


He's phenomenally bright and writes beautifully.

Richard is an awesome team player, who is very collaborative and very responsive.


Very strong technically, extremely diligent and great to work with.

His oral advocacy is a work of art. It's great watching him take witnesses apart through incredible tour de force advocacy.


He understands the law perfectly and also the market in which he is being asked to advise.


Sa'ad is an excellent technician, who is good for complex matters.


Sa'ad is excellent with clients across the board. He gives advice that is concise, commercial and well received.

Sam is an exceptional advocate.


Slick and polished, he's the complete package. Not only does he deliver, but he does so in style, displaying a strategic vision that goes well beyond his years.


He can sniff out what your opponent's strategy is and provide a really good tactical response as to how a case should be driven forward.


Sam is particularly strong on M&A disputes, company law issues and matters with an injunctive element.


Sam loves the detail and is able to master documents and issues with ease.

Sandy is calm and collected on his feet, and has a very reassuring manner.


Sandy is an outstanding senior junior barrister, who has particularly strong drafting skills.


Sandy is very approachable, responsive and sensible. He explains complex things in a simple way, and is both hard-working and a real team player.

Stephen's level of service and his interpersonal skills are outstanding.


Stephen is very good with clients and he's commercial.


Stephen is a celebrity silk who gets to the nitty gritty without any time wasting. He provides commercial and strategic advice with ease and charisma.


Stephen sees straight to the heart of the key issues very quickly and is not distracted by all of the surround sound. He also has a great understanding of the commercial pressures and contexts.

Andrew works phenomenally diligently and efficiently.


Andy has it all. He is well on the way to silk and will be one of the very best.


Sure-footed, responsive and very commercial.

Anna is intellectually brilliant, very sharp and able to spot points no one else has picked up on. She is meticulous and forensic in her analysis.


Anna is hugely impressive and a joy to work with; she's hugely bright and considered, and also a superb advocate.


Anna is a superstar in the making. She is ferociously analytical and very determined to drive the case to the right outcome.


Anna is excellent on her feet. She reads the judge very well and is a highly skilled cross-examiner.

Benjamin is extremely user-friendly, commercial and excellent with clients.


Benjamin is absolutely prompt in his response to enquiries, and his advice is balanced and simple to understand.

Charlie is a real people-friendly silk. He is easy to work with and distils complicated issues into an easy-to-understand format.


Charles has a formidable, photographic memory. He can remember every single page in a bundle and he's extremely strong intellectually.

A barrister who works incredibly quickly, he is very good at drafting on the fly and coming up with solutions under pressure.


The consummate collaborator and extremely strong intellectually, he engages fully and creatively with all aspects of the case.


Henry is super-responsive and a joy to work with; he really makes himself part of the team. He liaises with all levels of the group and is very communicative. His drafting is also excellent.

He understands the underlying commercial arrangements in a case and takes the time to understand how things work in reality. This means that you end up with the right advice.


He is able to cut through to the key issues.

Simon is phenomenally bright, although he carries it lightly. He deals with very complicated issues and weaves in complex legal arguments, delivering them in a completely understandable way.


He is incredible in technically complex cases.


Simon is very smart, very quick to spot the issues, very into the details and also all over the strategy. He is good with complex and novel law.

Abra is a terrific junior. She is very commercial and very proactive. Her judgement is excellent.


Abra is wonderful to work with. She manages to juggle multiple workstreams, she understands the concerns of solicitors and clients, and she provides effective and insightful advice.


Abra is frighteningly intelligent and her written work is excellent. She is a go-to for complex legal arguments.


Incredibly hands-on, responsive and great at written work.


Her technical, black letter knowledge of the law is great. She also has excellent commercial judgement.

Adam is highly intellectual and is able to tackle a legal issue and find a way through.


Adam is an absolute brainbox and a very user-friendly barrister.


Adam is a brilliant junior. He is really helpful, he writes very well and he is really responsive.

She is very pragmatic, and great at assisting with strategy as well as technical points of law.

Douglas is affable, user-friendly, great to work with and someone who digests and absorbs information very quickly.


Douglas is a very deep thinker and a real team player.

James combines a great legal brain with an ability to lay out complex arguments clearly and practically, both to clients and to the court.


Impressive, personable, and a man who is known for the clarity of his drafting. He is good on his feet and very pleasant to work with.

Hot on the detail, very commercial and highly practical, he is great with judges and clients alike.


He really wows the clients and takes everything to a different level when it comes to attention to detail and analysis.


Jamie is personally a delight. He rolls his sleeves up and is both incredibly bright and commercial.

Jeff always impresses on his feet and is similarly strong when advising clients on key strategic issues.

Joyce has an excellent eye for detail and is very clear in picking up on particular points.


Joyce demonstrates phenomenal attention to detail.


Joyce has strong research skills and works easily with the solicitor team.

He is incredibly smart, but also very commercial and extremely industrious.


Max is ten out of ten. He works tirelessly and leaves no stone unturned. His written work is exemplary and his judgement and strategic analysis are impressive.


A go-to commercial junior, he is extraordinarily hard-working, very commercial and user-friendly. He can digest an enormous amount of information in a short time.


He is a really exceptional individual and his depth of analysis is really strong.

Michael Fealy is exceptionally bright, very calm and solutions-orientated. He is always available and his advocacy is impressive.


Michael is very pragmatic and very good on strategy – he gets the commercial aspects. You have real confidence that he understands the industry and the dynamics behind the contracting arrangements.

Orlando is very user-friendly and always up for getting into the thick of things. He provides clear and robust advice and is a calming presence in fast-paced litigation.


Orlando is an incisive cross-examiner. He has a good client manner in that he is clear, easy to understand and a pleasure to deal with.


He is very adept at dealing with complicated issues and strong when in court.

He is all over the detail and is a good part of the team.


He is a very strong draftsman, he's extremely bright and he has a good feel for strategy.


Owain is smart as a whip and brilliant on his feet too.

He is a great barrister and a superb cross-examiner.


Rhodri is an absolute pleasure to work with and a fantastic advocate.

Richard is great for damages cases.


Phenomenally bright and a joy to work with.

Her oral advocacy is really good. She is extremely clear and logical in her submissions and she reads the court well.


Sophie is a very clever and very dedicated junior; she's very much into the documents and invaluable in preparations for trial.


A wiz with the evidence, she gets her head around complex facts and knows how to test and tell a story.

Tamara is excellent, organised and really well prepared.


Tamara is a pleasure to work with and a strong team player.


Tamara is good on the drafting side and also very strategic. Moreover, she is extremely user- and client-friendly.

Tim is an excellent junior. He is really good at what he does, very responsive and quick thinking.

James can be relied upon to provide pitch-perfect advice in any situation. He's an incredibly gifted advocate and a great team player.


James' standout is that, even though he is a silk, he is extremely hands-on and detailed in the preparation of the case.

Michael is very smart, detailed and all over the case.


Michael cultivates enduring client relationships through exceptional service. He prioritises clear communication, and exceeds expectations at every turn.


Michael really nails down the legal points to work out the best arguments.

Ollie is an excellent junior barrister with a bright future ahead. He provides thoughtful advice and gets to the heart of the issues the lay client cares about.

Oscar conveys complex things clearly to clients and is a very nice advocate to deal with. He has particular strength in cases involving numbers and complex spreadsheets.


Oscar understands what the clients’ goals are and works hard to achieve them.

She is really excellent on the detail.


Fantastically gifted and really well rounded, she's really good at expressing herself and is able to process complicated data and boil it down to clear messages.

Meticulous and very good at document-heavy cases, he's a silk of choice for complex fraud and general commercial litigation matters.


Richard is a superb and really seasoned courtroom performer.

An excellent technical lawyer, who is very user-friendly and a great advocate.

He is a fabulous arbitration and litigation specialist.


He is extremely bright and brilliant on his feet.


A man with an incredibly strategic mind, his advice is extremely clear and sensible. He always has an eye on the end game.


He really works well as part of a team, pulling all of the strings together effectively. He is very strategic in his thinking, but also easy to work with.

His drafting is really good and his attention to detail and thoughtfulness are plain for all to see.


Simon is charming and a pleasure to work with. He is commercial in his thinking and a great team player.


Simon demonstrates fantastic command of the issues.


Simon is very bright and can be relied on to roll his sleeves up and do the job well.

His written advocacy is excellent and he is always absolutely right about what he thinks the court will do.


Steven is commercial and exceptionally smart, but also very available and incredibly responsive.


He is particularly strong in M&A disputes and cases involving private equity clients.


Incredibly efficient and a lawyer with outstanding analytical abilities, he is an excellent advocate, who renders complicated issues into easily comprehensible points.

He is very calm and analytical in his approach.


Technically excellent, very commercially minded and a stand-out due to his superior client service.


Alexander is geat to work with and exceptionally bright.

Hannah is a real pleasure to deal with and works seamlessly with the solicitor team. She is so persuasive and fluent on her feet, and just devastating in cross-examination.


Hannah is an excellent litigator and she is very strong on commercial awareness.


Hannah provides excellent client service and is very sharp; she grasps complex issues quickly and is excellent on her feet.

James' legal knowledge is perhaps unparalleled for someone of his level. He is able to grasp deeply complicated subjects and find a commercially viable path through an issue.


James is brilliant to work with and a true details man.


He is really responsive and easy to work with.

Laurence's key strengths are his attention to detail and his ability to really get into technical issues and immerse himself in them.


Laurence is clearly incredibly sharp.


Laurence is a very good team player and very thorough. He also treats everyone in a courteous way.

Michael is very cool under pressure. He demonstrates strong knowledge of the law and is clear and authoritative in his advice.


Michael is a real numbers advocate, so looking at quantum is his thing.

She gives well-formed written opinions, and is very enthusiastic in her advice.


Excellent when it comes to delivery of client advice and sophistication of work.

Really impressive, she's super intelligent and fantastically supportive and hard-working.


Alyssa is a great junior who is hard-working, easy to communicate with and sensible in her advice. Her drafting is excellent.


Alyssa is an incredible performer; she is on top of the detail and always knows the answer.

Very smart, he gets to the key points very quickly and sets things out in a clear way. He comes up with insightful analysis that you hadn't considered before.


Andrew has a very intuitive way of looking at complex cases and he is very comfortable in offshore jurisdictions.


Andrew knows the building blocks of the law and can construct arguments from its moving parts.

He's experienced beyond his call and an excellent option as sole counsel.


Daniel has an easygoing style. He identifies points that are important to us and he makes sure we communicate what's important to the client in terms of commercial interests.


Daniel is an asset to any team. He is a joy to work with and a team player who combines depth of knowledge with his skills as a talented wordsmith to the huge benefit of his clients.

Jade is an excellent junior. She is hard-working, very bright and hugely insightful. One to watch, she's already developed a robust advocacy style.

Joshua has had a lot of big commercial trials and can just turn his hand to anything. He's wise beyond his years and has great judgement.


Josh is a pleasure to work with. He is on top of all the details and his drafting is always excellent.


Joshua is diligent and increasingly savvy on questions of strategy.

He is incredibly hard-working and enthusiastic.


Very clever and incredibly diligent. His work shows clarity and insight beyond his year of call.


Robert is an extremely capable junior, who is up to speed on complicated facts and law. He quickly inspires a lot of confidence through the advice he gives.

Hard-working, diligent and precise, she fits into a team really well.


Veena is a very strong junior who is good on the detail and can see the wider strategic picture.

The striking thing for me is his pragmatism. He is commercially minded and focused on achieving the end goal. He never gets too bogged down in the law.


Nicholas is fantastic – completely rock solid and reliable. He's the fulcrum of any team you put him in.


He is going to be an absolute superstar silk.

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Ranked Barristers at
One Essex Court

Provided by Chambers
Filter by

Silks (KC)


Dispute Resolution: Commercial

Anthony Grabiner KC
Senior Statespeople
Laurence Rabinowitz KC
Star Individuals
Sonia Tolaney KC
Star Individuals
Alain Choo Choy KC
Band 1
Daniel Toledano KC
Band 1
David Wolfson KC
Band 1
Kenneth MacLean KC
Band 1
Neil Kitchener KC
Band 1
Alexander Gunning KC
Band 2
Anthony de Garr Robinson KC
Band 2
Camilla Bingham KC
Band 2
Conall Patton KC
Band 2
Craig Orr KC
Band 2
David Cavender KC
Band 2
Sa'ad Hossain KC
Band 2
Stephen Auld KC
Band 2
Anna Boase KC
Band 3
Benjamin Strong KC
Band 3
Charles Graham KC
Band 3
John McCaughran KC
Band 3
20 of 72 results