- Revision of competition law: extension of the prohibition of abusive practices under cartel law and introduction of a ban on geo-blocking (with Stephanie Volz, Newsletter BianchiSchwald, May 2021)
- Copyright Levies in Swiss Copyright Law (sic! 2020, 475 ff.)
- Extended Collective Licenses in Swiss Copyright Law (Art. 43a URG) (with Thierry Burnens, in: Peter Mosimann (Hg.), Das revidierte Urheberrecht, Basel 2020, 129 ff.)
- New federal data protection act for Switzerland (with Thierry Burnens and Stephanie Volz, Newsletter BianchiSchwald, October 2020)
- Treatise on several articles of the Swiss Patent Act (Art. 35, 35a, 35b, 36, 36a and 48) (Mark Schweizer/Herbert Zech (Hg.), Patentgesetz (PatG), Bern 2019)
- Treatise on several articles of the Swiss Trademark Act (Art. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 32, 33, 34, 35a, 35b and 35c) (Michael Noth/Gregor Bühler/Florent Thouvenin (Hg.), Markenschutzgesetz (MSchG), 2nd edition, Bern 2017)
- Treatise on several articles of the Swiss Copyright Act (Art. 19, 20 and 24 URG) (in: Barbara K. Müller/Reinhard Oertli (Hg.), Urheberrechtsgesetz (URG), 2nd edition, Bern 2012)
- Supplementary Protection Certificate (in: Roland von Büren/Lucas David (Hg.), Patentrecht und Know-how, unter Einschluss von Gentechnik, Software und Sortenschutz, SIWR IV, Basel et al. 2006, 681 ff.)
- Fair Use in Copyright Law (Dissertation, Bern 1997)