Chambers Review
Provided by Chambers
Senior Statespeople
Provided by Charmaine Koo
Charmaine is Head of IP Commercial and Litigation.
Charmaine’s wide-ranging practice covers all aspects of IP work from complicated commercial transactions, IT and online business issues, to data privacy and cybersecurity, to advertising, local law compliance and regulatory issues, to anti-counterfeiting strategies and enforcement of IP rights, including complex patent litigation. She has won a number of high profile court cases resulting in ground-breaking decisions in the Hong Kong IP field including Yakult vs. Yakudo, Guccio Gucci S.P.A. vs. Cosimo Gucci and Tsit Wing (Hong Kong) Company Limited vs. TWG Tea Company Pte Ltd., which went to the Court of Final Appeal and was voted by Managing IP Magazine as the “Hong Kong IP case of the Year 2013”.
She is one of Hong Kong’s leading entertainment lawyers and was previously in-house counsel at one of the world’s largest entertainment and media companies.
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