Andrés Halvorssen is a member of the Bar Association of the Capital District, as well as part of the Board of Directors of the Venezuelan Association of Tax Law (AVDT), where he is also a member of the Tax Procedural Committee and the Editorial Committee of the Tax Law Magazine. He has also served as a member of the Tax Committee of the Venezuelan American Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VenAmCham) and of the Legal Committee of the Venezuelan-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CAVENAL). Andrés Halvorssen has been a professor at Universidad Metropolitana since 2005 and has been the author of articles focused on tax matters such as "Critical analysis of special contributions for extraordinary prices and exorbitant prices in the international hydrocarbon market." published on the Memoirs of the XX Venezuelan Conference on Tax Law, AVDT, and "Precautionary measures in the Organic Tax Code of 2020", published on the Contributions to the Construction of Tax Procedural Law in Venezuela, Tribute to Professor Alberto Blanco-Uribe Quintero, AVDT.
Universidad Católica Andrés Bello
Law Degree
Duke University of Law
Masters of Law
Harvard University Extension School
Certificate of Special Studies in Administration and Management CSS
Universidad Central de Venezuela
Specialization in Tax Law