Firm Profile

Fivers Studio Legale e Tributario

Europe Guide 2024

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Fivers Studio Legale e Tributario

Fivers Studio Legale e Tributario

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+39 02 3041331

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Provided by Fivers Studio Legale e Tributario
Number of partners worldwide: 5
Number of other lawyers worldwide: 30
Languages: English, French, Italian

Firm Overview:
The firm is based in Milan and provides out-of-court advisory services and assistance with litigation and arbitration proceedings in business law, company law, banking, financial and bankruptcy law matters. The firm is an association of five professional consultants with recognised expertise and good reputations, from the same generation and with a large background of work experience in some of the major Italian legal firms. With the contribution of the team of consultants who over the years have achieved solid competence and professional growth under the five partners who have now joined forces, the firm stands out in the Italian legal scene for its ability to offer highly-specialised advisory services to banks, financial intermediaries, asset management companies, insurance companies and listed companies and to corporate clients in general, as well as highly professional assistance in complex litigation proceedings (with a particular focus on company law, financial and insolvency matters). The experience and know-how developed over the years by its partners have also made the firm a leader in the area of M&A, financing and debt restructuring services for banks, financing institutions, industrial groups and private clients. The firm has chosen not to be organised into divisions, opting instead for a business model that would highlight its partners’ multidisciplinary skills and synergetic approach, with the advantage of ensuring more efficient, non-standardised services, with an eye to the client’s specific targets and needs.
Main Areas of Practice:
Corporate Services
- Business & Corporate Advisory Services
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Corporate Finance
- Private Equity & Financing
- Debt Restructuring & Insolvency
- Corporate Liability Issues
Financial Advisory Service
- Investment & Banking Service
- Financial & Banking Products
- Funds & Private Banking
- Regulation of Listed Issuers
- Insurance Companies & Products
- Market Abuse & Anti-Money-Laundering
Dispute Resolution & Arbitration
- International Arbitration
- Bankrupt & Insolvency Litigation
- Banking Litigation & Financial Litigation
- Company & Civil Litigation
- Contract Litigation
- Real Estate Litigation

Corporate Services:

The firm provides corporate and legal counsel and assistance in both extrajudicial and judicial areas. The firm offers high-level business and corporate advisory services to listed and unlisted companies covering the full spectrum of corporate activities. The firm’s professionals have been regularly involved in:
■The ‘tailoring’ and implementation of: equity transaction
■Issues of bonds, payment and financial instruments
■In general, corporate and business reorganisations and incentive plans for directors and managers
■Drafting and negotiation of business arrangements (franchising, distribution, agency and intermediation, supply agreements, joint venture agreements, lease agreements for businesses and industrial and commercial property)
■Corporate reorganisations such as M&A (transfer of: shares and other equity interests, businesses and business divisions, real estate portfolios)
■Corporate financing, syndicated loans, real estate loans, distressed debt restructuring and renegotiation advising Italian asset management companies (SGRs) on private equity and venture capital investment projects
■Assisting private equity funds as well as other investment organisations with the listing process, IPOs and other market transactions ■Providing legal services on the corporate legal matters regulated by Italian legislative decree 231/2001
■Drawing up organisational and management models and procedures, and providing support to supervisory bodies
■Offering its expertise in the field of financial crimes (insider trading, market manipulation, anti-money laundering)
Dispute Resolution & Arbitration Activities:
Legal and judicial support before any court or any jurisdiction authority, including the Italian Supreme Court (Corte di Cassazione).The firm’s professionals frequently serve as sole arbitrators or members of the board of arbitrators in proceedings concerning company law, financial banking and bankruptcy law matters (some of the firm’s partners are arbitrators at Consob’s Chamber of Conciliation and Arbitration). The law firm has a highly regarded practice in all fields of dispute resolution (commercial, civil, criminal and administrative) and has considerable experience in:
■Company and business law matters related to the liability of members of corporate bodies, the ling of claims in respect of severe irregularities, the sale of corporate interests and the performance of shareholder’s agreements
■Litigation proceedings concerning corporate and business agreements (distribution, supply agreements, commercial and industrial joint venture agreements, agreements for the sale/lease of businesses and businesses divisions, unfair competition, non-competition covenants) ■Insolvency litigation proceedings (claims for compensatory damages, claw-back actions, rejection of debt statements)
■Issues regarding the responsibility of banks and other financial players in causing and depending financial distress
■Penalty proceedings initiated by Regulatory Authorities either in the administrative of judicial stage
■Real estate litigation in relation to the purchase and finance of real estate, lease/sale of business divisions or in contract litigation
■Assisting institutional clients in managing their investments in listed companies in respect of corporate governance issues and damages claims
Financial Advisory Services:
The firm has sound experience in assisting and advising banks and non-banking financial institutions, investment firms, management companies and other Italian and foreign financial intermediaries with legal and regulatory aspects related to the provision of investment services.The firm is a member of Associazione Italiana Private Banking (Italian Private Banking Association) and one of its partners has been chairing the Association’s Regulatory and Tax and Legal Advisory Committee since 2007. The firm is also a member of Assosim and one of the partners chairs the Banks and Financial Intermediaries Committee of the Milan Order of Chartered Accountant (Ordine dei dottori commercialisti). The firm has significant experience in:
■Advising clients on cross-boarder operations, including non-EU countries
■Structuring and implementation of collective investment management projects (the firm’s professionals have assisted the first mutual funds specialised in mini-bonds as well as collective investment undertakings projects focused on the credit industry)
■Advising high net worth clients on matters such as asset protection, business succession plans, product structuring and tailor made services
■Advisory services on market abuse issues, including buy-back and price-stabilisation transactions
■Analysis and interpretation of EU and domestic rules of anti-money laundering obligations
■Advisory services on regulatory issues related to listed companies (corporate governance, relatedparty transactions, reporting requirements)

Ranked Offices

Provided by Fivers Studio Legale e Tributario

Italy - Head office

Fivers Studio Legale e Tributario rankings

Europe Guide 2024
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