Firm Profile

Alliott Global Alliance

Global Guide 2025

Ranked departments

Alliott Global Alliance

Alliott Global Alliance

Contact number

+44 20 3330 0110

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Provided by Alliott Global Alliance

CEO – Giles Brake

Worldwide Chair - Giorgio Marcolongo

Number of countries represented worldwide - 100

Number of member firms worldwide - 226

Number of law firms worldwide - 95

Number of lawyers worldwide - 2,100

Established in 1979, AGA is an alliance of general practice commercial, mid-market law and accounting firms. Member firms across the world are of a similar profile and standing (generally Top 25) in their local or national market. Member firms represent organisations of all types and sizes across a broad spectrum of industries on all aspects of their business.

AGA member firms work Together as One to coordinate their clients’ global representation, offering a universally high standard of client service across the world. Firms act individually and collectively for substantial global corporations, many of whom are household names, and they also advise a significant number of holding companies and subsidiaries of family, owner managed international groups.

Alliance member firms assist corporations in optimising and harmonising their attorneys network, offering a group of legal (but also tax, accounting and audit) professionals who will service their needs in Europe, Africa, Middle East, North America, Latin America, and Asia Pacific. Strong personal connections exist member firms’ primary contacts from working together for mutual clients and through meeting regularly at the alliance’s regional and international conferences. Member professionals work in their local language, but are also internationally experienced and are required to be proficient in the English language.

Law Firm Committee members:


Alistair Jaque, Deutsch Miller, (Australia)

David Baumgartner, Baumgartners (Australia)

Lieu Dang, DNA Vietnam (Vietnam)


Boris Pahn, Audalis (Germany)

Louis Stroebel, SST Attorneys (South Africa)

Maria Zabala, Abbantia Law Firm (Spain)

Marta Solarska-Kalenczuk, Woloszanski & Partners Law Firm (Poland)

Nobert Phiri, Muvingi & Mugadza, (Zimbabwe)

Latin America & Caribbean:

Diego Nunes, Estudio Nunes & Asocados (Argentina)

Danilo Mininel, Madrona Advogados (Brazil)

Adrián B Vázquez, Vázquez Tercero & Zepeda (Mexico)

Daniel Araya, FORZA (Costa Rica)

Jose Cruz, Ulises Cabrera (Dominican Republic)

Gabriela Mancero, Peña Mancero Abogados (Colombia)

North America:

Chris Blake, Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP

Kathleen Gaber, Masuda Funai

Jeff Berger, Golenbock Eiseman Assor Bell & Peskoe

Main Areas of Practice

·Alternative dispute resolution


·Banking & finance

·Bankruptcy & insolvency

·Business restructuring

·Commercial law

·Commercial litigation

·Competition and antitrust

·Corporate finance

·Data protection & privacy

·Employment and labour law

·Energy, mining, and natural resources

·EU law



·Immigration & global mobility


·Intellectual property

·International arbitration

·International trade

·IT law

·M&A / Corporate law

·Media and entertainment

·Private equity and venture capital financing

·Real estate and construction

·Retail and ecommerce



·Transport and logistics

·Trusts & estates

Firm Details:


Algeria & Libya, Fares Legal Group, Tripoli and Algiers

Botswana, OTTO ITUMELENG Law Chambers, Gaborone

Ethiopia, Dablo Law Firm , Addis Ababa

Kenya, Gitonga Mureithi & Company Advocates, Nairobi

Malawi, Ritz Attorneys at Law, Blantyre

Morocco, BFA & Co

Nigeria, AAA Chambers, Lagos

South Africa, SST Attorneys , Johannesburg and Pretoria

Tanzania, Rive & Co, Dar es Salam

Tunisia, Avocats Tunisiens Réunis, Tunis

Uganda, KTA Advocates, Kampala

Zambia, Ranchhod, Chungu Advocates, Lusaka

Zimbabwe, Muvingi & Mugadza Legal Practitioners, Harare


China, IPO Pang Xingpu Law Firm, Shanghai


Deutsch Miller, Sydney

Bangladesh, Sadat Sarwat & Associates, Dhaka

Hong Kong, H.Y. Leung & Co. LLP


Counselence, Bangalore

LexCounsel, New Delhi

Solomon & Co, Mumbai

Indonesia, ADCO Law, Jakarta

Japan, Spring Partners, Tokyo

Malaysia, Jeeva Partnership, Kuala Lumpur

New Zealand, Kemps Weir, Auckland

Philippines, SKY Law, Manila

Singapore, Advocatus Law LLP

Thailand, GPS Legal Limited, Bangkok

Vietnam, DNA Vietnam LLC, Hanoi


Cyprus, Panayiotou Legal LLC, Nicosia

Czech Republic, Greats advokati, Prague

Greece, Foutsis & Partners, Athens

Hungary, Feher Legal & Tax, Budapest

North Macedonia, Law Firm Trpnoski

Poland, Woloszanski & Partners Law Firm, Warsaw


Russia, ASB Consulting Group, Moscow

Serbia, Milosevic Law Firm, Belgrade

Slovakia, MST Partners, Bratislava

Slovenia, Law firm Brezavšček Žgavec Ltd, Ljubjlana

Turkey and Azerbaijan, Ak Danis Attorney Partnership, Istanbul (main office)


Austria, BMA Brandstätter Rechtsanwälte GmbH, Vienna

Belgium, Simont Braun, Brussels

Croatia, Ostermann Ivančić Attorneys-at-Law, Zagreb

Denmark, GALST, Copenhagen

Finland, Byro Legal Ltd, Hensinki

France, Paris:

Bensussan Berenthal & Associes



audalis, Dormond

Dachs, Bartling, Spohn & Partner, Stuttgart

DURY LEGAL, Saarbrucken

NPP Legal, Hamburg

SPITZWEG Partnerschaft mbB, Munich

TLC AG, Berlin

Ireland, BHSM LLP, Dublin


B4LEX, Milan

Studio Internazionale, Rome

Luxembourg, Thielen & Associes

Malta, VB Advocates, Valetta

Netherlands, DVDW Advocaten B.V, Rotterdam

Portugal, Alves, Botelho, Varela & Associados, Lisbon


Abbantia Law Firm, Madrid

Torras & Asociados , Barcelona (legal and accounting)

Sweden, Titov & Partners Stockholm

Allegra Law, Switzerland

United Kingdom:

Ellisons Solicitors, Colchester

Sherrards Solicitors LLP, London

Latin America & Caribbean:

Argentina, Estudio Nunes & Asociados Abogados, Buenos Aires

Barbados, InterCaribbean Legal, Bridgetown

Belize, Flores Piper, Belize City

Bolivia, Gumucio & Abogados, Santa Cruz

Brazil, MadronaFialho, Sao Paolo

Chile, Ortiz Gonzalez Luarte Abogados, Santiago

Colombia, Peña Mancero Abogados, Bogota

Costa Rica, FORZA, San Jose

Dominican Republic, Ulises Cabrera, Santo Domingo

El Salvador, Torres Legal, San Salvador

Guatemala, Clarity Law, Guatemala City

Mexico, Vazquez Tercero & Zepeda, Mexico City

Panama, PGS Attorneys, Panama City

HEXA Legal, Venezuela

Middle East:

Egypt, A&E Partners, Cairo

Israel, Steinmetz, Haring, Gurman & Co, Tel Aviv

KSA, Dr. Qaisar H Metawea Law Firm, Riyadh and Jeddah

UAE, MIO Law Firm , Abu Dhabi

North America:


Wildeboer Dellelce LLP, Toronto

Origin Law, Vancouver


Barakat & Bossa, Miami

Carle, Mackie, Power & Ross LLP, Santa Rosa

Foundation Law Group, Los Angeles

Gesmer Updegrove LLP, Boston

Golenbock Eiseman Assor Bell & Peskoe LLP, New York

Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP, Cleveland

Masuda Funai, Chicago

Platt Richmond, Dallas, Houston

Torres Trade Law, PLLC, Dallas, Washington

Tuggle Duggins, Greensboro

Head Office:

Alliott Global Alliance

Manfield House

1 Southampton Street

London, WC2R 0LR

Tel: +44 (0)203 330 0110

AGA North America:

460 Park Avenue

12th Floor

New York 10022

Tel: +1 917 720 3780

Ranked Offices

Provided by Alliott Global Alliance

UK - Head office

Alliott Global Alliance rankings

Global Guide 2025
Global Market Leaders
Leading Law Firm Networks
1 Department
Leading Law Firm Networks
Leading Law Firm Networks
Band 2

Articles, highlights and press releases

8 items provided by Alliott Global Alliance