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2 Bedford Row

UK Bar Guide 2024

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Ranked barristers
UK Bar

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Provided by 2 Bedford Row
UK Bar

Head of Chambers: Brian Altman KC and Jim Sturman KC
Senior Clerk: John Grimmer
Tenants: 79

THE CHAMBERS Clients benefit from the knowledge, expertise and support of one of the country’s leading criminal and regulatory sets. Committed to all aspects of criminal and regulatory law, Chambers advises and represents clients in a wide variety of proceedings and investigations, from high profile fraud and murder cases, to health and safety and professional disciplinary proceedings. Members have appeared in International Criminal Courts in The Hague, the ECHR, Privy Council, Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, Administrative Court and all courts and tribunals of first instance, as well as public inquiries and inquests. Chambers has a high volume of international work and members attend hearings around the globe. Chambers serves a variety of clients, spanning national governments, international companies, local authorities and other public bodies, regulators, trade unions, corporations and directors and professional and sporting authorities, and individuals. Chambers calls upon the combined expertise of 17 KC’s and 62 juniors, including a former First Senior Treasury Counsel, standing counsel to the Health and Safety Executive, and a number of recorders. Chambers has provided two Chairs of the Bar Council and two Chairs of the CBA. Supporting them is a clerking team recognised as one of the best in the country.

As one of the acknowledged ‘magic circle’ criminal sets, Chambers has an outstanding track record in high profile trials, including corporate crime, terrorism and war crimes. Examples of high profile cases, in which our members prosecuted or defended, include Wayne Couzens (murder of Sarah Everard), the News International Phone Hacking trial, the MPs expenses prosecutions, Bowes and others (killing of PC Andrew Harper), Michael Stone, Colin Stagg, Levi Bellfield (murders of Milly Dowler and two other women), the Stephen Lawrence murder, Kenneth Noye (M25 murder), Russell Bishop (the ‘Babes in the Wood’ murders), Barry George, Vincent Tabak, Sgt Danny Nightingale, Rolf Harris, Kevin Spacey, Ched Evans, and Corporal Lee Clegg.

With an exceptional record for fraud and financial crime (including bribery and corruption), representing both corporate clients and individuals, members of Chambers have advised on or appeared in many of the highest profile cases, such as the Post Office ‘Horizon’ cases, HBOS, Libor, Euribor, Rolls Royce, Barclay’s Bank, BAE, Innospec, iSpoof, Imperial Consolidated, Pharmaceuticals, JJB Sports, Op. Condor, the Jubilee line fraud, Asil Nadir, Torex, Brent Walker, Butte Mining, WSTC, Cheney Pensions, Izodia pic,iSoft, Robinsons, Glaxo, and Unaoil. Members advise on investigations globally and have vast experience in multi-jurisdictional investigations. Members have advised all over the world on sanctions issues and have experience of all current and historic sanctions regimes.

Health and safety:
Members of this team offer an unparalleled combination of experience in the field of Health & Safety law and practice together with a formidable reputation for first-class criminal advocacy. Chambers’ health and safety team offers expertise across an ever-expanding range of sectors including the leisure, residential, retail, construction, manufacturing, agricultural, real estate, hospitality, healthcare, aviation, transport, recycling, entertainment, tech, oil and gas and nuclear industries.The team has been involved in all the UK’s major health and safety cases of the past few years, acting for both the defence and prosecution, and for interested parties in inquests, and inquiries. Recent cases in which members have appeared include the Hillsborough Football Stadium disaster, the Hatfield and Potters Bar rail disasters, Buncefield, and Grenfell.

Our specialist barristers advise employers, companies, company directors, individuals and public bodies including Local Authorities on all aspects of health and safety enforcement, and at every stage of proceedings.

Professional and disciplinary tribunals:
Over the years members have developed an intuitive understanding of how professional bodies think, which allows them to tailor their advocacy for the greatest effect. 2 Bedford Row represents professionals before the GMC, GDC, GOC, NMC and SDT among others, as well as acting for professional bodies themselves.

Financial services regulation:
The team has considerable experience in SFO, FCA, and Revenue & Customs investigations, VAT Tribunals, prosecutions and appeals.

Inquests and public inquiries:
The regulatory group assists clients (corporates and individuals) before coroners’ inquests and in public inquiries, providing high quality advice and representation. Examples of public inquiries include: Grenfell Tower; the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA); Mark Duggan; The Turks and Caicos Corruption Inquiry; De Menezes; Lakanal fire; Shipman; Post Office Horizon IT; Climbié; Lawrence; Ashwood Hospital; Brook House and the Covid Inquiry. Members are also involved in non-statutory reviews.

Sports law:
Members also frequently appear before professional sporting tribunals including The Court of Arbitration for Sport, they appear in all sports in the full range of disciplinary matters including doping, but particularly in football, rugby and cricket, and represent many Premiership clubs, Regulators and individual players both in the UK and abroad.

International work:
Members have undertaken work in the US, West Indies, Middle East, Russia, Africa, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Turks and Caicos and most of mainland Europe. Members can work in Arabic, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Krio (Sierra Leone), Russian and Serbo-Croat.For more details please see the website.

  • Brian Altman KC (1981) (KC-2008) +
  • Jim Sturman KC (1982) (KC-2002)
  • Howard Godfrey KC (1970) (KC-1991)
  • Tracy Ayling KC (1983) (KC-2006)
  • Mark Milliken-Smith KC (1986) (KC-2006) +
  • Kieran Vaughan KC (1993) (KC-2012)
  • Christine Agnew KC (1992) (KC-2015)
  • Sam Green KC (1998) (KC-2015)
  • Louise Sweet KC (1994) (KC-2016)
  • Anand Beharrylal KC (1997) (KC-2018)
  • Dean George KC (2002) (KC-2019)
  • Samuel Magee KC (2003) (KC-2020)
  • Stan Reiz KC (2001) (KC-2020) +
  • Allan Compton KC (1994) (KC-2021)
  • Simon Baker KC (1998) (KC-2021)
  • Jacqueline Carey KC (1999) (KC-2022)
  • Charles Conway (1969)
  • Mark Halsey (1974)
  • John Caudle (1976) +
  • Barry Gilbert (1978)
  • Michael Haynes (1979)
  • Michael Levy (1979)
  • John Livingston (1980)
  • John Donnelly (1983)
  • Timothy Kendal (1985)
  • Craig Rush (1989)
  • Nick Barraclough (1990)
  • Sean Hammond (1991)
  • Stephen Ferguson (1991)
  • Adam Budworth (1992)
  • John Hurlock (1993)
  • Alex Stein (1998) +
  • Ashraf Khan (1999)
  • Andrew McGee (1999)
  • Charles Langley (1999) +
  • Emma King (1999)
  • Quentin Hunt (2000)
  • Shauna Ritchie (2000)
  • Hanna Llewellyn-Waters (2000)
  • Nick James (2001)
  • Alistair Smith (2001)
  • Archangelo Power (2001)
  • James Shepherd (2002)
  • Kevin Toomey (2004)
  • Ashley Hendron (2005)
  • Eleanor Sanderson (2005) +
  • Nick Bonehill (2006)
  • Austin Stoton (2007)
  • Christopher Martin (2008)
  • Jonas Milner (2008)
  • Thomas Daniel (2009)
  • David Patience (2009)
  • Christopher Saad (2009)
  • Tomas McGarvey (2010)
  • Sam Thomas (2011)
  • Charlotte Brewer (2012)
  • Jessica Ward (2012)
  • Claire Mawer (2014)
  • Lucy Sweetland (2014)
  • Victoria Shehadeh (2015)
  • Cathryn Sutcliffe (2015)
  • Natalie Bird (2015)
  • Rhys Rosser (2015)
  • Conall Bailie (2016)
  • Emma Kutner (2017)
  • Callum Munday (2017)
  • Harry Laidlaw (2018)
  • Eleanor Lucas (2018)
  • Madeleine Deasy (2018)
  • Molly Dyas (2018)
  • Fred Batstone (2019)
  • Katherine Higgs (2019)
  • Simeon Wallis (2019)
  • Alex Davidson (2020)
  • Jack Coyne (2021)
  • Huda Musa (2021)
  • Omar Sabbagh (2021)
  • William Clegg KC (1972) (KC-1991) + ±
  • Ian Stern KC (1983) (KC-2006) +±
  • Richard Matthews KC (1989) (KC-2010) ±
  • Gelaga King (1985) + ±
  • Ian McMeekin (1987) ±
  • Michael Williams (2008) ±
  • Alice Bricogne (2011) ±
  • + Recorder ± Associate Tenant

Ranked Offices

Provided by 2 Bedford Row

UK - Head office

2 Bedford Row rankings

UK Bar Guide 2024
Filter by
London (Bar)
1 Set
18 Ranked Barristers
Band 1
Silks (KC)
Jim Sturman KC
Jim Sturman KC
Star Individuals
Brian Altman KC
Brian Altman KC
Band 1
Kieran Vaughan KC
Kieran Vaughan KC
Band 1
Tracy Ayling KC
Band 1
Christine Agnew KC
Band 2
Dean George KC
Band 2
Louise Sweet KC
Band 2
Anand Beharrylal KC
Anand Beharrylal KC
Band 4
Samuel Magee KC
Samuel Magee KC
Band 4
Jacqueline Carey KC
Band 6
Stan Reiz KC
Stan Reiz KC
Band 6
Charles Langley
Charles Langley
Band 2
Craig Rush
Band 2
Alastair Smith
Band 4
Ashraf Khan
Band 4
Andrew McGee
Band 5
Christopher Martin
Band 5
Rhys Rosser
Band 5
Financial Crime
1 Set
7 Ranked Barristers
Financial Crime
Financial Crime
Band 2
20 of 44 results