Provided by VdA Vieira de Almeida
At VdA we have a highly specialized tax practice team with an in-depth knowledge of both the Portuguese and Portuguese speaking countries tax environment. We are known for playing the lead role in coordinating advisors in several jurisdictions thus providing our clients with a full added-value service. We advise both national and multinational economic groups, listed companies and other major corporations, financial institutions and investment funds operating in the Portuguese markets, including foundations and private equity investors and work closely with other practice areas across the firm, to offer our clients efficient and creative tax solutions in all areas of business. We advise on
tax optimization, international tax planning, tax structuring of mergers, spin-offs, acquisitions and restructurings, tax planning of financial transactions and products, property taxation and estate planning, fees, customs duties, value added tax and indirect taxes, tax disputes and litigation. We have a high degree of expertise in the field of transfer pricing – our clients are major groups of companies operating in the local market.
For a comprehensive list of the services we provide both internationally and in the Portugal, visit the VdA website for more details: http://vda.pt/en