Provided by Tucker Ellis LLP
Tucker Ellis provides a full range of services, including plan design, amendment, termination, assistance with annual report filings, and drafting Summary Plan Descriptions for welfare benefit and tax-qualified retirement plans. We have substantial experience in amending and restating individually designed, volume submitter, standardized and non-standardized prototype qualified retirement plans to maintain compliance with the IRC. Our clients include proprietorships and family-owned businesses, middle-market businesses and corporations listed on the NYSE, non-profit organizations, and government entities.
We handle IRS and DOL audits involving defined contribution and defined benefit plans. We have handled all aspects of the termination and windup of qualified retirement plans, including notices, participant communication, and IRS and PBGC filings.
We review agreements and advise on stock option plans, executive compensation, non-qualified deferred compensation plans, and other benefit programs such as educational assistance plans, medical reimbursement and cafeteria plans, and other tax advantaged welfare benefit plans.
We have represented the interests of commercial banks lending to ESOP sponsors and the ESOP sponsors as borrowers. We have advised clients regarding the tax-free rollover of ESOP sales proceeds and issues including repurchases of stock options, plan termination, and diversification distributions.