Provided by Irwin Mitchell
The Yorkshire team (which sits as part of IM’s Northern Team incorporating Leeds, Sheffield and Manchester) sustained its growth adding two partners (Charlotte Rees John and Helen Kidd) and promoting Padma Tadi Booth to partner. This has added both expertise and revenue as well as strength in depth.
The National Team is the current Employment Law Team of the Year.
We continue to handle a significant amount of high value, complex ET claims.
We have a number of high-profile clients such as Costa, McArthur Glen, Pure Gym, MJ Gleeson Plc amongst others.
The helpline which we deliver to member colleges saw a significant increase in activity particularly following the term time only holiday case of Brazel vs Harpur Trust whereby we were contacted by c 60 new clients seeking urgent assistance on the holiday pay calculations/ formulations.
We have particular focus in the financial services, manufacturing, retail/consumer, tech and private wealth sectors providing sector related insight and thought leadership.
We boast a diverse employment offering (e.g. day to day advisory, litigation, IR35, restrictive covenant, sector specific or immigration advice to name a few) and support a range of individuals and companies of differing sizes from different sectors/backgrounds.
We have acted for senior executives, high earning professionals and directors and exits and settlement negotiations.