Provided by Hughes & Hughes
The firm has provided advice to all types of projects for the development of energy resources in our country.
In particular, we have provided significant assistance to projects for the development of renewable energy, gas pipelines, wind farms, photovoltaics power , the construction of a power plant based on combined-cycled-gas-turbine generated energy, and other infrastructure works related to the transportation of gas supply.
The firm has also advised clients on the exploration of oil resources within the Uruguayan maritime boundaries, having significant experience in the upstream sector.
In wind and photovoltaic projects we have advised sponsors, lenders, and bank agents in the various phases of these projects. We also have significant experience advising contractors and subcontractors involved in major renewable energy projects developed in Uruguay.
Hughes & Hughes is included in the Guide of Participants in Wind Power Energy in Uruguay created by the Wind Power Energy Program of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM), through the Energy and Nuclear Technology Division (http://www.energiaeolica.gub.uy).