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With companies operating globally and markets becoming more interconnected, Competition and Antitrust Law is gaining increasing significance. We maintain excellent relations to German competition authorities and the European Commission. Therefore, you can rely on us to protect your interests in German and European antitrust and competition matters. We regularly appear before German and European courts and collaborate with you to face challenges and achieve the desired results by linking first-class expertise in various fields of law and jurisdictions—tailored to your requirements, wherever you need us.

Key service areas

Our team advises companies and public institutions from a wide range of industries on highly complex and trendsetting Competition and Antitrust Law issues and represents clients in politically sensitive projects, in particular:

  • Merger control proceedings with the European Commission and the Federal Cartel Office
  • Worldwide merger control coordination
  • Safeguarding interests in antitrust and abuse proceedings under German and EU law
  • Judicial and extrajudicial enforcement and defence of antitrust claims, including strategic advice in advance and arbitration of disputes
  • Antitrust audits and consulting as well as training compliance
  • Antitrust advice on joint ventures and franchise agreements, in bidding and award procedures as well as in the field of Intellectual Property law
  • Support related to state aid (e.g. to avoid legal conflicts, state aid complaints)

Chambers Review

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Competition/European Law - Germany

Band 4

What the Team is Known For

Dentons is particularly active in contentious competition law mandates, representing clients in the initial investigation, as well as in subsequent appeals against fines and damages actions. The law firm also acts on merger control and foreign direct investment filings, as well as assisting with the compliance aspects of distribution strategies.

Wofür das Team bekannt ist

Dentons ist insbesondere in streitigen kartellrechtlichen Mandaten tätig und vertritt Mandanten in der Erstuntersuchung sowie in anschließenden Berufungen gegen Bußgelder und Schadensersatzklagen. Die Kanzlei befasst sich auch mit der Fusionskontrolle und der Einreichung ausländischer Direktinvestitionen und unterstützt bei den Compliance-Aspekten von Vertriebsstrategien.

Work Highlights

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  • Dentons represented Silgan Holdings in an appeal against a fine imposed for involvement in an alleged cartel.

  • Dentons vertrat Silgan Holdings in einem Berufungsverfahren gegen eine Geldbuße, die wegen Beteiligung an einem mutmaßlichen Kartell verhängt worden war.


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Notable Practitioners

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Jörg Karenfort
Jörg Karenfort
Band 4

Jörg Karenfort represents clients in follow-on damages actions.

Jörg Karenfort vertritt Mandanten in Folgeschadensersatzklagen.

René Grafunder
René Grafunder
Band 5

René Grafunder represents clients in cartel investigations and appeals against fines imposed for alleged anti-competitive behaviour. He also assists clients with the competition law compliance aspects of their distribution agreements.

He is thorough and very nice to work with.

He is very responsive and always provides reasonable and commercial advice to clients.

René Grafunder has very good sector knowledge and is very business-minded.

René Grafunder vertritt Mandanten in Kartelluntersuchungen und Beschwerdeverfahren gegen Bußgelder, die wegen angeblichen wettbewerbswidrigen Verhaltens verhängt wurden. Er unterstützt Mandanten auch bei den Aspekten der Einhaltung des Kartellrechts bei ihren Vertriebsverträgen.

Er ist gründlich und es ist sehr nett, mit ihm zu arbeiten.

René Grafunder verfügt über sehr gute Branchenkenntnisse und ist sehr geschäftstüchtig.

Er ist sehr reaktionsschnell und berät seine Mandanten immer vernünftig und kommerziell.

Ranked Lawyers at

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Competition/European Law

Jörg Karenfort
Jörg Karenfort
Band 4
René Grafunder
René Grafunder
Band 5


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