Provided by Davis+Gilbert LLP
Our firm grew up with the advertising industry, from its earliest beginnings through every stage of its growth. We have been a key participant in the evolution of advertising and marketing law and the proliferation of related industries that now form the vast marketing ecosystem. From ad agencies to major brands, from content creators to digital platforms, our clients depend on us to help achieve their business goals, protect their rights and minimize their risks.
Practical Guidance
Our attorneys are devoted to the daily legal needs of businesses that create or use sophisticated advertising and marketing practices. We represent agencies of all types, brands in all product categories, and every sort of data-driven service and platform.
Many of our clients are in emerging categories, where the legal framework is not yet clearly defined and actionable guidance may not be available. We advise them on best practices we've identified that have achieved widespread acceptance in the field. Our business-forward solutions become integral components of our clients’ business processes.
On Top of the Issues
As clients confront the changes in marketing and advertising, we help them resolve the issues that affect their ability to compete. From targeting to data analytics to new technologies, we respond to challenges and turn them into advantages. We help protect their brands, products and services from all manner of threats, using advertising law as a potent tool in defense of market share.