Provided by Carvajal y Machado, S.C.
The Department
CARMAC’s public law team comprises experts who provide counsel and head the legal defence to their clients on matters related to the judicial and administrative spheres involving environmental, energy, water, pollution, regulation law, economic competition, port rights, and punitive administrative law cases.
Work Highlights
Litigation on behalf of several NGOs against the reforms to the Electric Industry Law, which have resulted in exceptional results regarding amparo case law, such as a general Declaration of Unconstitutionality and the acknowledgement of the legal standing of civic associations to challenge legal reforms.
Litigation on behalf of several mining companies against a legal reform that severely limits their activities. CARMAC obtained both the first definitive injunction and the first favourable ruling against this legal reform in the country.
Legal advice to online platforms on the underdeveloped regulatory framework in Mexico.
Development of litigious strategies for Oil&Gas companies in matters belonging to the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors.