
Provided by Advokatfirmaet Schjødt

Schjødt's industry group for Fisheries & Aquaculture is a fully integrated competence group composed of industry experts representing all our legal specialties, such as regulatory matters, contractual matters, dispute resolutions, M&A, Capital Markets, etc.

Schjødt's group is leading in the Norwegian market when it comes to regulatory competence and insight. We have a team of dedicated lawyers, including on PhD level, who are fully dedicated to the regulatory regime applicable to the players in the industry.

Schjødt has released the only commentary textbook to the Norwegian Aquaculture Act as well as scientific publications within fishery and aquaculture law.

The group advises Norwegian and international aquaculture clients on all business aspects, focusing on the following:

    • Conventional, offshore and landbased fish farming
    • Development and growth
    • Permits and licenses
    • Technology, equipment & shipping
    • Processing and sales

Our recognized lawyers have in-depth experience to provide effective and highly professional legal services and tailored advise to our aquaculture clients within our three main practice areas:

    • Advisory
    • Transactions
    • Dispute Resolution

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Advokatfirmaet Schjødt

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Aquaculture and Fisheries

Erik Staurset Andresen
Erik Staurset Andresen
Band 3
Tore Fjørtoft
Tore Fjørtoft
Head of Aquaculture and Fisheries
Band 3


Provided by Advokatfirmaet Schjødt

Stian Tennfjord

Tord Fondevik

Tore Fjørtoft

Tore Fjørtoft

Head of Department