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SOUTH KOREA: An Introduction to Employment

Childcare Support Systems for Employees in Korea Amended in 2025


In modern society, the issue of low birth rates is increasingly becoming an issue for many countries. There are various reasons for low birth rates, but in Korea, the increase in childcare costs and the difficulty of women returning to work after childbirth are one of the main causes of the low birth rate. As one of many attempts to solve these social problems, various support systems that promote employees’ work life-family balance are being introduced and improved.

There are three representative laws that support childcare for employees in Korea: The Equal Employment Opportunity and Work-Family Balance Assistance Act, the Employment Insurance Act, and the Labor Standards Act. In the following sections, the childcare support systems that are newly introduced or expanded in 2025 are explained.

Expanded protection during pregnancy

Reduction of working hours during pregnancy

In Korea, to protect female employees in the early and late stages of pregnancy, a system has been established in which employees that fall within a certain range of pregnancy, based on the number of weeks of pregnancy, can apply for reduced working hours without reduction in wages.

Previously, female employees in the early stages of pregnancy (within 12 weeks) or the late stages of pregnancy (after 36 weeks) could apply for reduced working hours of two hours per day. But starting in 2025, the scope of female employees in the late stages of pregnancy who can apply for reduced working hours has been expanded to allow them to apply even after 32 weeks of pregnancy. In addition, a system has been introduced where female employees at risk of miscarriage, premature birth, etc, can use reduced working hours during the entire pregnancy period with a medical doctor's diagnosis.

Subfertility Treatment Leave

Subfertility treatment leave, which was initially introduced in 2017, is a leave granted to both male and female employees who undergo subfertility treatment such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization. Infertility treatment leave was originally granted for three days per year (with only one day paid), but from 2025, it will be expanded to six days per year (two days of which are paid).

Expanded protection before and after childbirth

Maternity leave

Maternity leave granted to female employees who have given birth is 90 days (60 days paid, 30 days government-supported), and in the case the employee is pregnant with at least two children at a time, up to 120 days (75 days paid) are granted. Starting from 2025, in the case of premature births, maternity leave can be used for up to 100 days (60 days paid, 40 days government-supported), an increase of ten days from the previous 90 days.

Miscarriage/Stillbirth leave

The laws have expanded to encompass expanded leave for not only female employees who gave birth, but also those who had a miscarriage or stillbirth. The number of days of maternity leave is different depending on the pregnancy period. Previously, five days were granted for the pregnancy period of up to 11 weeks, ten days for the pregnancy period of 12 to 15 weeks, 30 days for the pregnancy period of 16 to 21 weeks, 60 days for the pregnancy period of 22 to 27 weeks, and 90 days (the same number of days as maternity leave) for the pregnancy period of 28 weeks or more. Starting in 2025, the periods of early pregnancy are merged for the purpose of granting miscarriage/stillbirth leave, and ten days will be granted for the entire pregnancy period of 15 weeks or less.

Paternity leave

Previously, only female employees had been granted maternity leave, but starting in 2007, male employees were also granted paternity leave on the grounds of his spouse’s childbirth. Initially, it was unpaid leave, but it later became paid leave, and the number of leave days gradually increased. From 2025, a total of 20 days of paid paternity leave is granted to male employees, and the period of use and the maximum number of times the leave can be split have also increased.

Expanded support for childcare

Childcare leave

Childcare leave is among the welfare systems that have seen the most noticeable increase in benefits. From 2025, all related conditions, including the period of childcare leave, the number of splits allowed, and childcare leave pay, have been improved. The leave period is extended to one year and six months in exceptional cases (for each parent using at least three months for the same child, a single parent, or parents of a child with a severe disability), and the maximum number of times the leave can be split has been increased from two to three times (ie, up to four separate periods). 

Reduction of working hours for childcare period

The system of reducing working hours for childcare was introduced to allow employees who are eligible for childcare leave to reduce their working hours instead of taking childcare leave, and thereby better balance work life and childcare. From 2025, the applicable age of a child, period of reduced working hours, and number of splits have all been adjusted upward.


The amendments in childcare support systems for employees are meaningful not only in terms of expanding childcare support but also in terms of creating a turning point in society to spread equitable work environment that is accepting of childcare. It is expected that this childcare support system will continue to improve and develop to create a work-life balanced working environment.