Up and Coming and Associates to Watch as coverage expands in Chambers Asia-Pacific Guide 2022
The Chambers Asia Pacific team share unique insights into the up and coming individuals and associates to watch, all researched and analysed as part of our market coverage for 2022.
The emerging legal professionals across Asia for 2022
The 2022 edition of the Chambers-Asia Pacific guide will feature 332 Up and Coming partners and 73 Associates to Watch from across the region, all of whom have been carefully researched, reviewed and analysed by our dedicated team of researchers.
These categories highlight those associates, senior associates, counsel and up-and-coming partners who have been identified by clients and market sources as standout in their respective practice areas and jurisdictions.
Lawyers who attain a ranking in these two categories have been singled out for the quality of their work, their strong client service and their growing profile in the legal market.
Expanded coverage of the legal market across Asia in the Chambers Asia-Pacific 2022 guide
The 2022 Asia-Pacific guide will include 37% more lawyers across these two categories than the 2021 edition, reflecting our increasing focus upon recognising the next generation of lawyers as they emerge in the market.
As illustrated in the chart below, this year's ranked lawyers in the Up and Coming categories are drawn from right across the Asia-Pacific region.
Singapore has the largest number of ranked lawyers in these two categories, with 79 in total. This is followed by India with 65 and Australia and Japan both with 39 apiece across the younger lawyer categories.
While it is unsurprising that the largest cohorts of ranked Up and Coming lawyers come from our larger markets, we have also identified up-and coming practitioners in smaller jurisdictions across Asia, through from Kygyz Republic and Kazakhstan to Philippines, Mongolia and Timor-Leste.
The below data visualisations showcase growth since 2018 in the number of 'Associates to Watch' and 'Up and Coming' partners ranked in the Chambers Asia-Pacific guide.
Which law firms reported increases in the number of 'Up and Coming' and 'Associates to Watch' for 2022?
The law firms, Ashurst and Baker McKenzie both have an impressive 17 Up-and Coming partners and Associates to Watch rankings in the 2022 guide.
This is followed by leading Indian law firm AZB & Partners who have 13 rankings in these categories.
The firms DLA Piper and Shin & Kim also perform strongly with 11 rankings across these two categories in the Chambers Asia-Pacific 2022 guide and legal rankings.
When does the Chambers Asia-Pacific 2022 guide and legal rankings launch?
The Chambers Asia-Pacific 2022 guide launched on 16 December 2021 and provided the most comprehensive insights into the top legal professionals across the continent.