Chambers Canada 2026 Research Schedule

The Chambers Canada team share an update and insight into the research schedule for the 2026 guide. 

Published on 11 November 2024
Written by James Roberts
James Roberts

The Chambers Canada 2026 Research Schedule

We are delighted to announce that the Chambers Canada 2026 research schedule is now available online – you can view the full schedule here

Keep up to date with all of your relevant submission deadlines throughout the year and get personalised submission reminders in your calendar here.    

As in previous years, template documents can be found on our website and can be uploaded via the site’s My Account page. If you need new login details, to be reminded of old ones, or update relevant contacts, please email [email protected].   

The Research

The practice area definitions portion of our website, which can be accessed here, includes a section by section breakdown of relevant work for each submission area, as well as work highlight and referee limits for each area. 

In addition, the following policies are also in place for Canada 2026 Research:

Referee Limit

As with the previous two editions of the Canada Guide, the maximum allowable number of referees per section available to submit to is 30, up from the previous limit of 20.While firms are free to allocate these extra referees however they wish, we hope that the 10 additional referees present an increased opportunity for women lawyers and attorneys at the more junior end of their careers to list referees for their practice. 

If a firm uploads over 30 referees, our research team will remove referees from the process using their own discretion, until only 30 remain. 

Nationwide Referees

As last year, we will no longer accept referees for the following four Nationwide practice areas.   

  • Nationwide – Corporate/M&A  
  • Nationwide – Litigation: General Commercial  
  • Nationwide – Real Estate  
  • Nationwide – Employment & Labour  

Instead, we will use referee feedback from the respective province sections as part of the Nationwide research, alongside supplementary research calls with a select number of firms. This decision was taken to alleviate referee fatigue and to avoid referees having to duplicate their feedback between the Provincial and Nationwide research.  

Firms are still permitted to upload submission documents to these sections which highlight the firms expertise on matters that are national or international in scope, or otherwise showcase the full extent of their expertise in the relevant area of law across the country.  

Work Highlight Pilot

For the 2024 and 2025 Canada Guides, in a select number of practice area submissions, we allowed up to 25 work highlights. We will continue this pilot for the 2026 Canada Guide. The sections with this enhanced work highlight limit are as follows:  

  • Nationwide – Banking & Finance  
  • Nationwide – Competition/Antitrust  
  • Nationwide – Intellectual Property  
  • Nationwide – Restructuring/Insolvency  
  • Nationwide - Tax  

If they wish to do so, firms can provide additional work highlights by adjusting the template document. These areas were identified as those which feature the most lawyers seeking rankings, where the current restriction of 20 work highlights would be most impactful. 

If you have any further questions, please contact Tom Lambert at [email protected]