Office Profile


Washington, DC Office

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Provided by DLx Law PLLC

Number of employees: 5

Languages: English

Firm Overview:

DLx Law PLLC offers a broad commercial and regulatory law practice, primarily focused on cryptocurrency, blockchain, emerging technologies and industries in the crypto sector. In 2018, Angela Angelovska-Wilson formed DLx Law with two other distinguished attorneys and, as managing partner, has since refined the firm's approach to client services. The firm now stands at the forefront of where law, emerging technologies, and financial services converge.

DLx Law has the knowledge and experience to advise clients on an expanding array of matters affecting digital assets and help support related policy initiatives. By working directly with the developers behind these projects, the firm’s team of attorneys and specialists is able to stay current with in-depth understandings of the underlying technologies and functions. DLx Law believes this approach is necessary to deliver top-notch legal advice and contribute to industry principles and guidance.


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USA - Head office
4913 43rd Street NW , Washington, DC, District of Columbia, USA, 20016

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 212-994-6845


Washington, DC

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