Office Profile

4-5 Gray's Inn Square

London Office

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UK Bar
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Provided by 4-5 Gray's Inn Square
THE CHAMBERS 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square is a leading public and commercial law chambers. Its core areas of law are: public, commercial, planning and property, dispute resolution, international, regulatory and disciplinary and sports.

The set is committed to the provision of creative and practical legal advice responsive to the commercial needs of its clients. It has a reputation for excellence in all of its practice areas. Its barristers are supported by a first class clerking and business management team.


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UK - Head office
4-5 Gray's Inn Square, Gray's Inn, London, Greater London, UK, WC1R 5AH


Email: [email protected]

Tel: (020) 7404 5252

Fax: (020) 7242 7803