Human Rights and ESG

In this Chambers Expert Focus podcast, Maria Knapp is joined by Control Risks experts Michael Zimmern and Joyce Nkini-Iwisi for a discussion of the challenges organisations face when investigating breaches to human rights, such as workplace harassment and labour violations. Get insight into how organisations can better prepare for conduct and human rights investigations, including issues around evidence gathering, cultural sensitivities and stakeholder rights.

Published on 28 June 2022
Maria Knapp Chambers Expert Focus Author
Maria Knapp
Notable practitioner in Environmental, Social & Governance Risk department
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Michael Zimmern Chambers Expert Focus Author
Michael Zimmern
Joyce Nkini-Iwisi Chambers Expert Focus Author
Joyce Nkini-Iwisi

Misconduct and human rights

"We have seen over the past years an increase in the number of whistle-blower allegations relating to misconduct outside the financial crime arena; and also NGO-led claims and class actions against companies related to alleged breaches of human rights, including fundamental human rights, labour rights, security and human rights, mistreatment, discrimination and workplace harassment."

Whistle-blower lines and grievance mechanisms

"Companies need to make sure that they have mechanisms that allow for very cheap use and take into account the ease of use for their stakeholders at large."

ESG failures as a breeding ground for financial crime

"We often encounter bulling, harassment or some other misconduct which has been taking place alongside fraud or financial crime and which helped to create the environment of fear, favouritism or lack of challenge, which was a breeding ground for that fraud."

Three key takeaways

"Make sure that you respond quickly and appropriately, demonstrate the allegations that have been investigated fairly and carefully consider any public response to avoid jeopardising the investigation."

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