Ranking tables
White-Collar Crime | Europe
Rankings overview for Lawyers
Band 2
- Aldo Verbruggen Lumen Lawyers18 Years Ranked
- Jan Leliveld Van Doorne14 Years Ranked
- David SchreudersSimmons & Simmons LLP
Band 3
- Alexander de Swart Wladimiroff Advocaten N.V.12 Years Ranked
- Frits Schneider AKD8 Years Ranked
- Marike Bakker NautaDutilh18 Years Ranked
- Dian BrouwerJahaeRaymakers Advocaten
- Lisa van der WalDe Roos & Pen
- Niels van der LaanDe Roos & Pen
- Robbert de BreeWladimiroff Advocaten N.V.
All Lawyers profiles
Band 1
1 Daan DoorenbosStibbe | White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 1 | 18 Years RankedDaan Doorenbos defends clients in criminal cases around allegations of industrial accidents and breaches of environmental legislation. He also represents clients in investigations into possible bribery, money laundering and fraud.
Band 2
2 Aldo VerbruggenLumen Lawyers | White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 2 | 18 Years RankedAldo Verbruggen of Lumen Lawyers advises clients on allegations of money laundering and bribery, as well as defending them in cases involving breaches of animal welfare law and sanction regulations.
2 Jan LeliveldVan Doorne | White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 2 | 14 Years RankedJan Leliveld acts for clients on possible breaches of environmental and employment regulations, as well as compliance with sanctions legislation. He also represents clients in investigations into allegations of money laundering, bribery, fraud and harassment.
Band 3
3 Alexander de SwartWladimiroff Advocaten N.V. | White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 3 | 12 Years RankedAlexander de Swart has particular experience in cases relating to allegations of money laundering, tax evasion and bribery, usually acting for the defendants.
3 Frits SchneiderAKD | White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 3 | 8 Years RankedFrits Schneider of AKD has a broad practice that covers advising the victims on fraud investigations, as well as acting for defendants on investigations into possible breaches of the Dutch Minimum Wage Act or environmental legislation.
3 Marike BakkerNautaDutilh | White-Collar Crime2024 | Band 3 | 18 Years RankedMarike Bakker often represents clients in investigations into possible breaches of environmental regulations. She also advises on allegations of accounting irregularities and bribery. She also assists with compliance with sanctions and anti-money laundering regulations.