Ranking tables
Transportation: Shipping | Europe
Rankings overview for Departments
Band 1
- AKD 12 Years Ranked
- Van Traa Advocaten 12 Years Ranked
- Cox Ten Bruggencate Advocaten
Band 2
- Dock Legal Experts 5 Years Ranked
- Boonk Van Leeuwen
- Smallegange
Band 3
- Bunders Lok
- Van Steenderen Mainport Lawyers BV
- Zwartbol Advocaten
Band 1
- Haco van der Houven van Oordt AKD18 Years Ranked
- Joeri CoxCox Ten Bruggencate Advocaten
- Michiel van LeeuwenBoonk Van Leeuwen
Band 2
- Jolien Kruit Van Traa Advocaten7 Years Ranked
- Pieter den Haan AKD18 Years Ranked
- Carlijn Ten BruggencateCox Ten Bruggencate Advocaten
Band 3
- Annemieke Spijker AKD3 Years Ranked
- Jan Kromhout AKD15 Years Ranked
- Leendert van Hee Van Traa Advocaten3 Years Ranked
- Marc Van Maanen Van Traa Advocaten18 Years Ranked
- Marcel Verhagen Dock Legal Experts2 Years Ranked
- Robert de Haan Van Traa Advocaten11 Years Ranked
- Vincent Pool Van Traa Advocaten6 Years Ranked
- Arnold J van SteenderenVan Steenderen Mainport Lawyers BV
- Robert HoepelSmallegange
- Tim RoosTim Roos Advocatuur
All Departments profiles
Band 1
1 AKDTransportation: Shipping2024 | Band 1 | 12 Years RankedAKD remains a dominant domestic and cross-border transportation team. It is a popular choice for ship owners, shipyards and insurers on ship arrests, collisions and charter party arbitration. The team is highly esteemed for maritime shipping in particular. The law firm offers additional experience in ship finance and building, as well as contractual matters. AKD is also noted for providing further onshore expertise, acting for clients in the rail and road infrastructure sectors and freight platforms on warehousing matters.1 Van Traa AdvocatenTransportation: Shipping2024 | Band 1 | 12 Years RankedVan Traa maintains its position as one of the leading shipping law firms in the Netherlands. The team has notable experience in damages claims and liability mandates, including spillages and damage to undersea cables. The firm is particularly popular with clients from the logistics sector, advising on litigation regarding the contamination of goods during transport. Team members also have experience in matters such as damage to aircraft, and recourse and recovery proceedings.
Band 2
2 Dock Legal ExpertsTransportation: Shipping2024 | Band 2 | 5 Years RankedDock Legal Experts is a well-known law firm that represents hull underwriters, P&I clubs and ship owners in liability cases and vessel arrests. Additionally the team advises clients on non-contentious matters involving commercial contracts and charter parties. Team members act on both deep sea and inland navigation matters.