Ranking tables

Leading Regional Law Firm Networks (Legal Network) | Global

Latin America-wide

The Leading Regional Law Firm Networks (Legal Network) rankings table below has been designed to provide the most in-depth insights and reviews of the top ranked lawyers and law firms. The firms included in our rankings have been recommended by in-house counsel, other third-party experts and private practice lawyers. Our comprehensive research ensures you have all the information needed when looking to purchase legal services across Latin America-wide.

Rankings overview for Departments


Band 1

  1. Affinitas
    Affinitas 13 Years Ranked
  2. ALAE
  3. Club de Abogados - Iberoamérica
  4. Uría Menéndez Latin America Network

All Departments profiles


Band 1

  1. Affinitas
    Leading Regional Law Firm Networks (Legal Network)
    2025 | Band 1 | 13 Years Ranked

    This is a closely integrated network consisting of first-rate firms in Mexico, Peru, Colombia and Chile. The network focuses on assisting clients with transactional work in the M&A and finance spaces, though all members are full-service firms. The organisation has an executive committee composed of four partners meeting every two weeks. A broader assembly of its members also meets on a biannual basis to share knowledge on developments in the region, as well as to coordinate strategies for further integration such as standardised billing in cross-border transactions involving multiple members. The organisation cultivates strong relationships with firms from Asia and Australia. The Chilean lawyer Marcelo Armas is a key contact at the network.

  2. ALAE
    Leading Regional Law Firm Networks (Legal Network)
    2025 | Band 1
  3. Club de Abogados - Iberoamérica
    Leading Regional Law Firm Networks (Legal Network)
    2025 | Band 1
  4. Uría Menéndez Latin America Network
    Leading Regional Law Firm Networks (Legal Network)
    2025 | Band 1