Ranking tables

Intellectual Property | Asia-Pacific


Rankings overview for Departments


  1. A.B.M. Shamsud Doulah
    A.B.M. Shamsud Doulah Doulah & Doulah14 Years Ranked
  2. Hamidul MishbahOld Bailey Chambers
  3. Kashem BhuiyanRemfry & Son Ltd
  4. Syed Emran HossainH&H Company

All Departments profiles


  1. Doulah & Doulah
    Doulah & Doulah
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Spotlight | 14 Years Ranked
    Doulah & Doulah maintains its market-leading reputation in Bangladesh for IP legal matters, regularly handling trade mark and patent prosecution and enforcement, while it also advises clients on banking and finance and M&A, as well as project finance and aviation finance. The team advises both sponsors and lenders on numerous projects, including PPPs, and also covers matters requiring expertise in Islamic finance. The team is a trusted adviser to a wide range of multinational clients across a variety of industry sectors.
  2. Dr Kamal Hossain & Associates
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Spotlight | 14 Years Ranked
    Dr Kamal Hossain & Associates houses an outstanding corporate and commercial law practice in Bangladesh. The firm regularly advises clients on high-value cross-border transactions and offers expertise in a wide range of M&A, corporate restructuring, capital markets, employment, insurance and tax matters, as well as banking regulatory matters. The team is especially active on project financing and development mandates, and advises both international and domestic clients from a variety of sectors including technology, textiles and telecoms. The firm also provides a range of both contentious and non-contentious IP and shipping services.
  3. H&H Company
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Spotlight
  4. Remfry & Son Ltd
    Intellectual Property
    2025 | Spotlight