Ranking tables
General Business Law: Real Estate | Global
Rankings overview for Lawyers
Senior Statespeople
Band 2
Band 3
- Alistair Chisnall Graham Thompson4 Years Ranked
- Bryan Glinton Glinton Sweeting O'Brien14 Years Ranked
- Robert Van WynenAlexiou, Knowles & Co
All Lawyers profiles
Senior Statespeople
S Dana WellsGraham Thompson | General Business Law: Real Estate2025 | Senior Statespeople | 19 Years RankedDana Wells is a prominent practitioner in the Bahamian real estate sector. He is well regarded for his standout land law practice and is regularly sought out for his expert counsel on commercial and residential development mandates.
S M Craig RobertsGraham Thompson | General Business Law: Real Estate2025 | Senior Statespeople | 19 Years RankedConsultant counsel Craig Roberts is one of the most senior lawyers in the Bahamas real estate space. He offers a wealth of development and conveyancing experience, in addition to overseeing all manner of property transactions.
Band 1
1 David R JohnstoneLennox Paton | General Business Law: Real Estate2025 | Band 1 | 20 Years RankedDavid Johnstone maintains his standing at the fore of the Bahamas property market. As head of real estate, he acts for a range of notable international developers, as well as lenders.
Band 2
2 Andrew O'BrienGlinton Sweeting O'Brien | General Business Law: Real Estate2025 | Band 2 | 12 Years RankedAndrew O'Brien is a well-respected lawyer in the Bahamian real estate space. His practice encompasses real estate development in both a residential and commercial context, as well as hotel, condominium and mixed-use development, providing counsel to international and local developers alike.
2 Stephen Jenkins MelvinHiggs & Johnson | General Business Law: Real Estate2025 | Band 2 | 8 Years RankedBased in the firm's Lyford Cay office, Stephen Jenkins Melvin is held in high regard for his advice on property development and tax, as well as real estate acquisitions. He has notable experience in mandates relating to resort and marine development.
Band 3
3 Alistair ChisnallGraham Thompson | General Business Law: Real Estate2025 | Band 3 | 4 Years RankedAlistair Chisnall is a well-known real estate lawyer based in Nassau. His practice encompasses a wide range of sale and purchase transactions pertaining to both residential and resort properties.
3 Bryan GlintonGlinton Sweeting O'Brien | General Business Law: Real Estate2025 | Band 3 | 14 Years RankedBryan Glinton is well regarded, both in the Bahamas and abroad, for his work handling real estate transactions and corporate matters more broadly. He possesses considerable transactional experience, including in M&A, and additionally advises on corporate restructuring. He is a popular choice of counsel among international investors and financial institutions.
- Robert Van WynenAlexiou, Knowles & Co | General Business Law: Real Estate2025 | Band 3