Ranking tables

Environment | UK Bar

Northern (Bar)

Environment work includes regulatory compliance, litigation and enforcement actions related to air, water, wetlands, waste and endangered species. We also feature advice to corporate and financial clients on the environmental aspects of M&A, financings, securities offerings and other transactions, which involve due diligence and environmental insurance issues.

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Band 1

  1. Kings Chambers
    Kings Chambers
    2025 | Band 1 | 16 Years Ranked

    Barristers at Kings Chambers are instructed in all manner of environmental disputes, including noise, air and water pollution cases. The set fields experienced silks and accomplished juniors who are able to assist action groups, individuals and companies. Kings Chambers is frequently sought out by the Environment Agency and other regulatory bodies to advise and act on challenging cases across the North of England and the rest of the UK. Members appear in cases at all levels of the court system, including the Supreme Court. Notable recent instructions include Worcestershire County Council v Mr Alan Pain, Pencroft Ltd and Mr. Oliver Rogers, a watercourse obstruction matter.

    Gary Smith is chief clerk and Mark Ronson is senior clerk.