Ranking tables
Dispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime | Latin America
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Band 1
1 Alberto Jurado SalazarALC Abogados | Dispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2025 | Band 1 | 1 Years RankedAlberto Jurado Salazar of ALC Abogados is included in the rankings due to his renowned practice in the field of white-collar crime in Venezuela.
1 Gregory OdremanEscritorio Jurídico Odreman & Asociados | Dispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2025 | Band 1 | 9 Years RankedGregory Odreman of Escritorio Jurídico Odreman & Asociados boasts longstanding experience in white-collar criminal proceedings. His expertise encompasses cybercrime, as well as environmental and economic criminal activity.
1 Iskrey PérezSanz Pérez y Asociados | Dispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2025 | Band 1 | 5 Years RankedMarket-leading partner Iskrey Pérez of Sanz Pérez y Asociados continues to elicit considerable praise for her activity on white-collar crime mandates.
1 Jesús LoretoLAP Abogados Penalistas | Dispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2025 | Band 1 | 10 Years RankedJesús Loreto of LAP Abogados Penalistas is highly experienced acting on white-collar crime mandates. His areas of expertise span risk management, corporate governance and anti-money laundering issues.
1 José Valentín GonzálezD'Empaire | Dispute Resolution: White-Collar Crime2025 | Band 1 | 17 Years RankedLeading light José Valentín González continues to be well recognised in the Venezuelan disputes arena for his expertise in white-collar crime proceedings, as well as cases involving tort law.