Ranking tables

Dispute Resolution: Commercial Chancery (Bar) | Global


The Dispute Resolution: Commercial Chancery (Bar) rankings table below has been designed to provide the most in-depth insights and reviews of the top ranked lawyers and law firms. The firms included in our rankings have been recommended by in-house counsel, other third-party experts and private practice lawyers. Our comprehensive research ensures you have all the information needed when looking to purchase legal services across UK.

Rankings overview for Sets


Band 1

  1. 4 Stone Buildings
  2. Maitland Chambers
  3. Serle Court
  4. Wilberforce Chambers

Band 2

  1. 3 Verulam Buildings 10 Years Ranked
  2. Erskine Chambers
  3. Essex Court Chambers
  4. South Square
  5. XXIV Old Buildings

Band 3

  1. Selborne Chambers
    Selborne Chambers 5 Years Ranked
  2. Enterprise Chambers
  3. New Square Chambers
  4. Radcliffe Chambers

Senior Statespeople

  1. Philip Jones KCSerle Court

Star Individuals

  1. Adrian Beltrami KC 3 Verulam Buildings18 Years Ranked
  2. Jonathan Crow KC4 Stone Buildings

Band 1

  1. Ewan McQuater KC 3 Verulam Buildings20 Years Ranked
  2. Alan Gourgey KCWilberforce Chambers
  3. Catherine Addy KCMaitland Chambers
  4. David Chivers KCErskine Chambers
  5. David Mumford KCMaitland Chambers
  6. Elizabeth Jones KCSerle Court
  7. Elspeth Talbot Rice KCXXIV Old Buildings
  8. Felicity Toube KCSouth Square
  9. George Bompas KC4 Stone Buildings
  10. Joe Smouha KCEssex Court Chambers
  11. John Wardell KCWilberforce Chambers
  12. Paul McGrath KCEssex Court Chambers
  13. Philip Marshall KCSerle Court
  14. Richard Hill KC4 Stone Buildings
  15. Richard Millett KCEssex Court Chambers
  16. Sharif A. Shivji KC4 Stone Buildings
  17. Simon Salzedo KCBrick Court Chambers
  18. Sonia Tolaney KCOne Essex Court
  19. Thomas Grant KCWilberforce Chambers
  20. Tom Smith KCSouth Square

Band 2

  1. Andrew M Twigger KCMaitland Chambers
  2. Anthony de Garr Robinson KCOne Essex Court
  3. Clare Stanley KCWilberforce Chambers
  4. Dakis Hagen KCSerle Court
  5. Daniel Lightman KCSerle Court
  6. Edward Cumming KCXXIV Old Buildings
  7. Fenner Moeran KCWilberforce Chambers
  8. Hugh Norbury KCSerle Court
  9. James Potts KCErskine Chambers
  10. John Brisby KC4 Stone Buildings
  11. John Machell KCSerle Court
  12. Jonathan Adkin KCSerle Court
  13. Peter Arden KCErskine Chambers
  14. Richard Lissack KCFountain Court Chambers
  15. Rupert Reed KCSerle Court
  16. Terence Mowschenson KCWilberforce Chambers
  17. Thomas Robinson KCWilberforce Chambers
  18. Tim Penny KCWilberforce Chambers
  19. Zia Bhaloo KCLandmark Chambers

Band 3

  1. Adam Kramer KC 3 Verulam Buildings12 Years Ranked
  2. Blair Leahy KC Twenty Essex13 Years Ranked
  3. Ian Clarke KC Selborne Chambers6 Years Ranked
  4. Peter de Verneuil Smith KC 3 Verulam Buildings9 Years Ranked
  5. Romie Tager KC Selborne Chambers14 Years Ranked
  6. Tony Beswetherick KC Twenty Essex8 Years Ranked
  7. Andrew de Mestre KC4 Stone Buildings
  8. Dan McCourt Fritz KCSerle Court
  9. David Allison KCSouth Square
  10. David Blayney KCSerle Court
  11. Dominic Dowley KCSerle Court
  12. Edmund Cullen KCMaitland Chambers
  13. Edward Davies KCErskine Chambers
  14. Francis Tregear KCXXIV Old Buildings
  15. George Hayman KCMaitland Chambers
  16. Giles Richardson KCSerle Court
  17. Hugh Jory KC4 New Square Chambers
  18. James Ayliffe KCWilberforce Chambers
  19. Keith Rowley KCRadcliffe Chambers
  20. Lance Ashworth KCSerle Court
  21. Lawrence Cohen KCWilberforce Chambers
  22. Lexa Hilliard KCWilberforce Chambers
  23. Matthew Collings KCMaitland Chambers
  24. Michael Gibbon KCMaitland Chambers
  25. Nicolas Stallworthy KCOuter Temple Chambers
  26. Nikki Singla KCWilberforce Chambers
  27. Stephen Moverley Smith KCXXIV Old Buildings
  28. Thomas Lowe KCWilberforce Chambers
  29. Tiffany Scott KCWilberforce Chambers

Band 4

  1. Ali Malek KC 3 Verulam Buildings21 Years Ranked
  2. Andrew Ayres KC Twenty Essex6 Years Ranked
  3. Farhaz Khan KC 3 Verulam Buildings10 Years Ranked
  4. Jamie Riley KC 3 Verulam Buildings12 Years Ranked
  5. Nicholas Craig KC 3 Verulam Buildings11 Years Ranked
  6. Nicholas Trompeter KC Selborne Chambers10 Years Ranked
  7. Adam Cloherty KCXXIV Old Buildings
  8. Aidan Casey KC33 Chancery Lane
  9. Alexander Cook KC4 Stone Buildings
  10. Andrew Mold KCWilberforce Chambers
  11. Bridget Lucas KCFountain Court Chambers
  12. Christopher Boardman KCRadcliffe Chambers
  13. Daniel Bayfield KCSouth Square
  14. David Brownbill KCXXIV Old Buildings
  15. David E Grant KCOuter Temple Chambers
  16. David Mohyuddin KCRadcliffe Chambers
  17. David W Lord KCThree Stone
  18. Hermann Boeddinghaus KC4 Stone Buildings
  19. James Bailey KCWilberforce Chambers
  20. James Pickering KCEnterprise Chambers
  21. James Willan KCEssex Court Chambers
  22. Justin Higgo KCSerle Court
  23. Louise Hutton KCEssex Court Chambers
  24. Marcia Shekerdemian KCWilberforce Chambers
  25. Mark Cunningham KCMaitland Chambers
  26. Mark Phillips KCSouth Square
  27. Matthew Bradley KC4 New Square Chambers
  28. Richard Fisher KCSouth Square
  29. Robert Levy KCThree Stone
  30. Robert-Jan Temmink KCQuadrant Chambers
  31. Ruth den Besten KCEssex Court Chambers
  32. Simon Davenport KC4 Pump Court
  33. Siward Atkins KCMaitland Chambers
  34. Thomas Munby KCMaitland Chambers
  35. Thomas Roe KC3 Hare Court
  36. Tim Akkouh KCEssex Court Chambers
  37. Timothy Collingwood KCSerle Court
  38. Tom Poole KC3 Hare Court

New Silks

  1. Adam Al-Attar KCSouth Square
  2. Alex Barden KCFountain Court Chambers
  3. Ciaran Keller KCEssex Court Chambers
  4. David Peters KCEssex Court Chambers
  5. Donald Lilly KC4 Stone Buildings
  6. James Sheehan KCEssex Court Chambers
  7. Matthew Morrison KCSerle Court

Band 1

  1. Adil MohamedbhaiSerle Court
  2. Gregory Denton-Cox4 Stone Buildings
  3. Tom Gentleman4 Stone Buildings
  4. Watson PringleMaitland Chambers

Band 2

  1. Andrew HoldenXXIV Old Buildings
  2. Benjamin JohnMaitland Chambers
  3. Christopher Harrison4 Stone Buildings
  4. David DrakeSerle Court
  5. David Eaton TurnerNew Square Chambers
  6. Edward SawyerWilberforce Chambers
  7. Graeme HalkerstonWilberforce Chambers
  8. James Knott4 Stone Buildings
  9. James MatherSerle Court
  10. James WealeSerle Court
  11. Rosanna FoskettMaitland Chambers
  12. Simon AdamykNew Square Chambers

Band 3

  1. Harris Bor Twenty Essex6 Years Ranked
  2. Philip Hinks 3 Verulam Buildings6 Years Ranked
  3. Alastair Tomson4 Stone Buildings
  4. Alec McCluskeyMaitland Chambers
  5. Andrew McLeodOne Essex Court
  6. Bobby FriedmanWilberforce Chambers
  7. Caley WrightMaitland Chambers
  8. Charles RaffinGatehouse Chambers
  9. Christopher LloydEssex Court Chambers
  10. Daniel WarentsXXIV Old Buildings
  11. Dov OhrensteinRadcliffe Chambers
  12. Edward FrancisEnterprise Chambers
  13. Emer MurphyWilberforce Chambers
  14. Emily McKechnieWilberforce Chambers
  15. Gareth TilleySerle Court
  16. Hugh MiallXXIV Old Buildings
  17. Jack RivettErskine Chambers
  18. Jack WatsonWilberforce Chambers
  19. James McCreathWilberforce Chambers
  20. Kavan GunaratnaEnterprise Chambers
  21. Laura NewtonBrick Court Chambers
  22. Niall McCullochEnterprise Chambers
  23. Olivier KalfonMaitland Chambers
  24. Paul AdamsSerle Court
  25. Rory BrownSouth Square
  26. Simon HattanSerle Court
  27. Sophie HolcombeSerle Court
  28. Timothy CallandMaitland Chambers
  29. Tom RoscoeWilberforce Chambers

Band 4

  1. Duncan Kynoch Selborne Chambers9 Years Ranked
  2. Richard Clegg Selborne Chambers5 Years Ranked
  3. Adam DeacockRadcliffe Chambers
  4. Andrew Rose4 Stone Buildings
  5. Anna LintnerMaitland Chambers
  6. Anna LittlerWilberforce Chambers
  7. Bajul ShahXXIV Old Buildings
  8. Daria GleyzeThree Stone
  9. Duncan McCombeMaitland Chambers
  10. Eleanor Holland4 Stone Buildings
  11. Elizabeth OveyRadcliffe Chambers
  12. Emma Horner4 Stone Buildings
  13. Gideon RosemanTen Old Square
  14. James DaviesEnterprise Chambers
  15. James KinmanMaitland Chambers
  16. Jonathan AllcockMaitland Chambers
  17. Jonathan ChewWilberforce Chambers
  18. Jonathan GavaghanTen Old Square
  19. Joseph Wigley4 Stone Buildings
  20. Lara Hassell-Hart4 Stone Buildings
  21. Laurie BrockFountain Court Chambers
  22. Laurie ScherMaitland Chambers
  23. Mark HubbardNew Square Chambers
  24. Maxim CardewMaitland Chambers
  25. Narinder JhittayMaitland Chambers
  26. Nicola Timmins4 Stone Buildings
  27. Nigel HoodNew Square Chambers
  28. Oliver JonesSerle Court
  29. Rowena PageMaitland Chambers
  30. Sebastian KokelaarThree Stone
  31. Simon JohnsonEnterprise Chambers
  32. Stephanie ThompsonSerle Court
  33. Stephen Hackett3 Hare Court
  34. Stuart AdairXXIV Old Buildings
  35. Tim MatthewsonWilberforce Chambers
  36. Timothy SherwinXXIV Old Buildings
  37. Tiran Nersessian4 Stone Buildings
  38. Tom BeasleyRadcliffe Chambers
  39. Tom Shepherd4 New Square Chambers

All Sets profiles


Band 1

  1. 4 Stone Buildings
    Dispute Resolution: Commercial Chancery (Bar)
    2025 | Band 1
  2. Maitland Chambers
    Dispute Resolution: Commercial Chancery (Bar)
    2025 | Band 1
  3. Serle Court
    Dispute Resolution: Commercial Chancery (Bar)
    2025 | Band 1
  4. Wilberforce Chambers
    Dispute Resolution: Commercial Chancery (Bar)
    2025 | Band 1

Band 2

  1. 2
    3 Verulam Buildings
    Dispute Resolution: Commercial Chancery (Bar)
    2025 | Band 2 | 10 Years Ranked

    3 Verulam Buildings is particularly well regarded for its handling of commercial chancery litigation involving complex elements of banking and financial services law. Members are also well versed in civil fraud and insolvency disputes, and are regularly called upon to appear in major litigation arising in several international and offshore jurisdictions. Cases of note include FDIC-R v Barclays Bank, a high-value breach of competition law and breach of fraudulent misrepresentation matter, and Harrington & Charles Trading Co v Jatin Mehta, a USD1 billion commercial fraud claim.

    Stephen Penson and Stuart Pullum are joint senior practice managers.

  2. Erskine Chambers
    Dispute Resolution: Commercial Chancery (Bar)
    2025 | Band 2
  3. Essex Court Chambers
    Dispute Resolution: Commercial Chancery (Bar)
    2025 | Band 2
  4. South Square
    Dispute Resolution: Commercial Chancery (Bar)
    2025 | Band 2
  5. XXIV Old Buildings
    Dispute Resolution: Commercial Chancery (Bar)
    2025 | Band 2

Band 3

  1. Selborne Chambers
    Selborne Chambers
    Dispute Resolution: Commercial Chancery (Bar)
    2025 | Band 3 | 5 Years Ranked

    Selborne Chambers is a well-regarded set offering significant expertise in commercial chancery litigation. Its members are regularly instructed in civil fraud, company, partnership and general commercial disputes, as well as complex trusts and property cases. Recent cases include BHS Group Limited (in liquidation) and ors v (1) Dominic Chappell (2) Lennart Henningson (3) Dominic Chandler (4) Keith Smith, a high-profile wrongful trading case that came about after major retail chain BHS went into liquidation. Members also tackled Ultramarine v Sunsail, a long-running dispute in the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court concerning a diving concession at a beach resort, which was said to have been unlawfully terminated.

    Paul Bunting and Darren Madle are the senior clerks.

  2. Enterprise Chambers
    Dispute Resolution: Commercial Chancery (Bar)
    2025 | Band 3
  3. New Square Chambers
    Dispute Resolution: Commercial Chancery (Bar)
    2025 | Band 3
  4. Radcliffe Chambers
    Dispute Resolution: Commercial Chancery (Bar)
    2025 | Band 3