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Competition/Antitrust (International Firms) (Foreign Expertise) | Global
排名概览 - 律师
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F Marc Waha诺顿罗氏律师事务所 | Competition/Antitrust (International Firms) (Foreign Expertise)2024 | 对外专家 | 13年上榜Marc Waha leads the regional competition team and is a prominent figure in the Hong Kong antitrust market. He is active representing Asian corporate clients before European competition authorities, and is also active in developing the firm's Japan-focused competition practice. He splits his time between Hong Kong and Tokyo.
F Peter J Wang众达律师事务所 | Competition/Antitrust (International Firms) (Foreign Expertise)2024 | 对外专家 | 14年上榜Peter Wang heads Jones Day's China competition practice. His practice is focused on antitrust and merger-related investigations, and he is also sought after by corporate clients for his advice on antitrust litigation matters.