Chambers Review
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Senior Statespeople
Provided by Steven M Kowal
Steven M. Kowal concentrates in government investigations and complex criminal and civil litigation, particularly antitrust, cartel and trade regulation, enforcement proceedings initiated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration against pharmaceutical, medical device and food manufacturers, and health care, securities and business matters. He also conducts internal investigations for major corporations.
Steven has extensive federal trial experience. He has successfully defended numerous companies and individuals in many grand jury investigations and criminal prosecutions. He also has defended and successfully resolved numerous government civil enforcement proceedings relating to antitrust, the FDA and the Federal Trade Commission, and he has defended qui tam whistleblower actions. Several matters have involved complex parallel criminal and civil proceedings.
Steven also has significant appellate experience. He has been responsible for criminal and civil appeals in the United States Courts of Appeals for the District of Columbia and Fourth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Circuits, for state appellate courts in Illinois, Michigan and Florida, and for the Illinois Supreme Court.
In 2016, the K&L Gates Chicago antitrust and competition group was recognized as the “Cartel & Trade Regulation Law Firm of the Year in Illinois” by the international review and assessment programs of both Corporate INTL Magazine and Global Law Experts.
American Bar Association (White Collar Crime Committee; Co-chair, Antitrust Subcommittee, 2007-2008; Section of Antitrust Law; Chair, Criminal Practice and Procedure Committee, 2001-2005; Co-chair, International Cartel Workshop, 2004)
American College of Trial Lawyers (Attorney-Client Relationships Committee 2007-2011)
Chicago Bar Association (Chair, Antitrust Law Committee, 1996)
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (Working Group on Information Exchanges in International Cartel Investigations, Business and Industry Advisory Committee)
Food and Drug Law Institute
FDA Enforcement Manual (Editorial Advisory Board)
Government Enforcement Policy is Beginning to Draw Critical Review, FDLI Update, November/December 2006
The Government Has Added Fuel to the Qui Tam Explosion, FDLI Update, July/August 2006
The Government Seeks to Erode the Ability to Defend, FDLI Update, May/June 2006
Companies Trapped Between a Rock and a Hard Place, FDLI Update, September/October 2006
Enforcement Against Off-label Promotion Requires a Clear Policy Pronouncement, FDLI Update, March/April 2006
Disclosures to Auditors and Privilege Waivers: Another Headache, FDLI Update, January/February 2006
Application of the Attorney-Client Privilege to Former Employees: Less Than You Might Think, FDLI Update, November/December 2005
FDA Can Compel Disclosure Of A Lawyer’s Notes, FDLI Update, September/October 2005
The Government’s Focus Now Includes A Company’s Culture, FDLI Update, May/June 2005
Court Protects Defendant’s Due Process Rights In Criminal Antitrust Case, Washington Legal Foundation Counsel’s Advisory, April 8, 2005
Developments In FDA Criminal Enforcement, FDLI’s 48th Annual Educational Conference, Washington, D.C., April 2005
Fraud and Abuse Investigations: Time For Some Restraint, FDLI Update, March/April 2005
Government Health Care Investigations: Be Prepared For An Ambush Interview, Chicago Hospital News, April 2005
Corporate Deferred Prosecution: Showing Some Concern For The Shareholders, FDLI Update, January/February 2005
Sentencing Turmoil And Corporate Compliance Programs, FDLI Update, November/December 2004
Criminal Antitrust Enforcement: A Global Challenge, Washington Legal Foundation, October 15, 2004
False Statements During An Internal Investigation Can Become A Federal Crime, FDLI Update, September/October 2004
Attorney’s Confidential Communications: The Continued Assault, FDLI Update, July/August 2004
The Risk of Public Comment: FDA’s Coordination with the SEC, FDLI Update, May/June 2004
FDA Criminal Enforcement: Prosecution and Defense Issues, Food and Drug Law Institute’s 47th Annual Educational Conference, Washington, D.C., April 2004
Pharmaceutical Executive or Mafia Kingpin? Charging Decisions Can Reflect Little Difference, FDLI Update, March/April 2004
Developments in the Law Relating to Joint Defense Agreements and Waiver of Attorney-Client Privilege, ABA Section of Antitrust Law, International Cartel Workshop, New York, February 2004
Charging Decisions: Will the Government Overplay its Hand, FDLI Update, January/February 2004
Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law
Benedictine University
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