High Net Worth
Practice Areas
Taxation of Individuals, Inheritance and Gift Tax; Taxation of Public-Law Entities, Foundations and Non-Profit Organizations; Corporate Tax; Indirect Tax; Tax Compliance; Family-Owned Businesses; Private Clients; Foundations, Non-Profit Organizations and Associations; Company Succession; Reorganizations; Corporate
Lawyer since 1992, certified tax lawyer since 1992
Studied law in Bonn (1991 Dr. iur.);
Joined Flick Gocke Schaumburg in 1992;
Associated Partner since 1996;
Partner since 1998
Honorary professor in tax law at the University of Bonn;
Head of the working group on tax and accounting, and member of the advisory board of the Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen (Federal Association of German Foundations)
Professional Memberships
Member of the International Fiscal Association;
Member of the Deutscher Anwaltverein (German Bar Association) tax law committee (legislation);
Member of the Deutsche Steuerjuristische Gesellschaft (German Tax Law Society);
Member of the North Rhine-Westphalia governing board of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft;
Member of the association Deutscher Juristentag