Ranked in 2 Practice Areas

Band 2



16 Years Ranked


Band 3

Real Estate


7 Years Ranked


Provided by Ricardo Reigada Pereira


Practice Areas

Real Estate & Tax


Joined Linklaters LLP in 2003, where he ultimately became the head of Real Estate and, simultaneously, a Tax Senior.

Left Linklaters in March 2016 to set up RRP Advogados.

Was a lecturer at the Lisbon University School of Law between 2003 and 2018 (with a brake of 3 years to conclude his Masters’ program).


2017: Portugal - Secil (C-464/14) and Commission v Portugal (C-503/14), Sep 1, 2018 in CJEU - Recent Developments in Direct Taxation 2017 (Linde Verlag)

2016: O Conceito de Estabelecimento Estável, Jan 2016, CEJ - Centro de Estudos Judiciários (in the context of an education program for judges)

2015: The EC Interest Savings Directive (co-authored with Professor Ana Paula Dourado), IBFD

2011: A Indução da Procura Através da Promoção da Chance Terapêutica - A problemática dos ganhos de chance promovidos pela recomendação médica em tratamentos sem efeito discernível nos pacientes, in Economic Analysis of Law Review (Brasil) and Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Saldanha Sanches, Coimbra Editora (Portugal)

2010: Uma história mal contada (acerca dos esquemas de planeamento fiscal agressivo) in Expresso Newspaper, co-authored with Fernando Araújo

2010: Entre Tântalo e Sísifo: um objectivo tão próximo mas (inexplicavelmente) ainda longe – Comentário às Conclusões da Advogada-Geral Juliane Kokott no caso C-105/08 Comissão contra República Portuguesa” (co-authored with Fernando Araújo), in Revista de Finanças Públicas e Direito Fiscal - Ano III - Número 2 – Verão, Almedina

2009: “Portugal-Reasoned Opinions on Exit Taxation and Withholding Tax on Pension Funds, Practical European Tax Strategies

2008: “EC Cross-Border Insolvency Regulation Tax Horizon – Watch the Present, It Is Not What It Was!”, European Taxation

2007: Pending cases filed by Portuguese courts, ECJ – Recent Developments in Direct Taxation (co-authored with Professor Ana Paula Dourado), ed. by Michael Lang, Josef Schuch and Claus Staringer, Linde Verlag

2007: Portugal (new tax legislation), EC Tax Review, Issue 2, Kluwer

2006: The Taxation of Interest Savings Income in the European Capital Market, ed. by Dietmar Aigner, Lars Gläser and Michael Tumpel, Linde Verlag


Lisbon University School of Law

Law Degree

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Ricardo Reigada Pereira
Ricardo Reigada Pereira
Band 3

Ricardo Reigada Pereira
Ricardo Reigada Pereira
Band 2