Ranked in 1 Practice Areas
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Provided by Régis Bergonzi



Former President of the Monaco Bar Association (2020-2021)

Current Member of the Monaco Parliament (2023-2028)

Current Member of the PACE (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) (2023-2028)

Current Member of the Committee on the Election of Judges to the European Court of Human Rights (2023-2028)

Former Representative for Monaco at the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment or shortly Committee for the Prevention of Torture (2012-2022)

Current Honorary Consul of Kingdom of Thailand in Monaco (since 2020)

Professional Memberships

Current member of the UIA (International Association of Lawyers)

Practice Areas

- Private International Law,

- Criminal Law,

- Contract Law,

- Business/Corporate Law,

- Labor Law,

- Family Law.


 Régis Bergonzi : « Le métier d’avocat a une vocation sociale », https://www.monacohebdo.mc/actualites/judiciaire/aide-aux-victimes-penales-avip-regis-bergonzi/

 Rachat de domaniaux par l’Etat : le juste prix, https://www.pressreader.com/

 Mosashvili définitivement relaxé, https://www.monacohebdo.mc/actualites/judiciaire/mosashvili-definitivement-relaxe/.

 Signature de la Charte visant à assurer l’assistance des victimes d’infractions pénales par un avocat monégasque, https://www.avocats.mc/index.php/fr/actualite

 Un jardinier violent accablé par ses ex-compagnes, https://www.monacomatin.mc/justice/miraculeux-que-notre-cliente-soit-toujours-en-vie-un-jardinier-violent-accable-par-ses-ex-compagnes-640661#:~:text=Monaco%20Justice-,%22Miraculeux%20que%20notre%20cliente%20soit%20toujours%20en%20vie%22%3A%20un,son%20recours%20%C3%A0%20la%20violence.

 A Monaco, le violeur qui prétendait être le petit-fils d'Aimé Césaire écope de 15 ans de prison : https://www.monacomatin.mc/justice/a-monaco-le-violeur-qui-pretendait-etre-le-petit-fils-daime-cesaire-ecope-de-15-ans-de-prison-643235

 Le magistrat a dévoilé le contenu de l'enquête aux familles des victimes de l'attentat de Notre-Dame à Nice : https://www.nicematin.com/justice/le-magistrat-a-devoile-le-contenu-de-lenquete-aux-familles-des-victimes-de-lattentat-de-notre-dame-a-nice-755395

 Fraude à la TVA : l’Etat réclame 107 millions d’euro : https://www.pressreader.com/monaco/monaco-matin/20240227/281517936061916


 https://www.uianet.org/sites/default/files/fichiers/action/documents/s19monaco_pgr_form_bat_lit_18.pdf

Television interview:

 https://www.avocats.mc/index.php/fr/actualite

Languages Spoken

Spoken Languages at Régis BERGONZI Law Firm : French, English, Italien, Russian.


Law Firm of the Year (Monaco)

City Wealth


Law Firm of the Year (Monaco)

City Wealth


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General Business Law: Law Firms - Avocats-Défenseurs - Monaco

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Régis Bergonzi has a strong focus on contentious matters, often representing clients in criminal litigation. He also assists clients with contractual agreements and banking law mandates.


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Régis Bergonzi
Régis Bergonzi