Practice Areas
Before coming to the Bar Paul was a solicitor with both Watson Burton and Brooke North. He practises in all aspects of chancery and commercial dispute resolution.
His practice is predominantly contentious with particular specialism in all areas of Real Property work (registered and unregistered land, commercial, residential and agricultural) including restrictive covenants, easements, boundaries, highways, mortgages and landlord & tenant. Paul also practices in the area of planning law.
Paul also specialises in all aspects of trust, probate and administration, partnerships, commercial, company and insolvency work with particular emphasis on claims for equitable relief.
Paul undertakes professional negligence work in his practice areas referred to above with particular emphasis on solicitors, surveyors, construction professionals, architects and accountants.
As a former solicitor Paul is very client focused and understands the needs of clients for clear impartial advice.
Recent Cases:
Wilkinson v Rolph [2022] 1 WLUK 298
Kensington Mortgage Co Ltd v Mallon [2019] EWHC 2512 (Ch)
Tupholme v Firth [2015] 9 WLUK 348
Ashcroft v Bradford & Bingley PLC [2010] EWCA Civ 223
Former solicitor latterly with Brooke North in Leeds
Chancery House Chambers 2000- 2010
Kings Chambers 2010-2022
Exchange Chambers 2022-present
Paul has spent the last 40 years attempting, without much success, to master the guitar and he enjoys most forms of music in particular 1970’s rock. He paints and enjoys spending time with his family and watching a much sport as he can especially rugby having played for too long.