Practice Areas
Public procurement law, Fachanwalt für Vergaberecht (specialist lawyer for public procurement law)
International trade law
Advice to contracting authorities and bidders, particularly in the healthcare, IT and defence sector, on all aspects of public procurement law
Advice to multinational companies on legal consequences of misconduct in public procurement procedures and on self-cleaning measures
Advising on sanctions imposed by the World Bank or other multilateral development banks
Publishes in international law journals on public procurement and international trade law
Author/co-author of various publications on EU public procurement law and international trade law, e.g.:
- Beck’scher Onlinekommentar Vergaberecht and Beck’scher Onlinekommentar IT-Recht;
- Beck’sches Prozessformularbuch;
- Beck’scher Vergaberechtskommentar;
- Commentary on articles 56 (General principles) and 57 (Exclusion grounds), in: Roberto Caranta and Albert Sanchez-Graells (eds.), European Public Procurement: Commentary on Directive 2014/24/EU
- Commentary on the UVgO (Kommentar zur UVgO), as of 2nd edition 2022
- Beck’sches Formularbuch Vergaberecht (as of the fourth edition)
- Commentary on articles 27–33 FSI-VO (chapter on public procurement procedures), in: Krenzler/Herrmann/Niestedt (eds.), EU-Außenwirtschafts- und Zollrecht
- Commentary on sections 1-5, 6, 8, 11-13 and 14a, 15, 18, 19, 20-23, 26, 28, 31, 32 Foreign Trade and Payments Act (AWG), in: Röhling/Stein (eds.), Recht der Investitionskontrolle
- Chapter in: Lausen/Müller (eds.), Handbuch Nachhaltigkeit im Vergaberecht
Frequent speaker at conferences and seminars in the EU and the US (e.g. EIPA Seminars, Maastricht; Government Contracts Year in Review Conference, Washington, DC)
Humboldt University Berlin
LL.M. in international trade and business law, University of Durham, UK
PhD degree (Dr. iur.), Bucerius Law School, Hamburg; thesis on selection/suitability criteria in EU directives