Oliver Cojo is a partner at Arias SLP. He has more than 10 years of experience in international arbitration. He regularly serves as an arbitrator in disputes on construction, energy, financial services and other commercial issues. He has acted as arbitrator, counsel and tribunal assistant in more than 50 cases in venues across America, Europe and the Middle East, administered by the main arbitral institutions (ICC, ICSID, PCA, LCIA and SCC, among others).
Work Highlights
Sole arbitrator in a dispute between companies from Spain and Portugal in relation to a contract for the maintenance of an energy cogeneration engine (ICC, Madrid, Spanish law, Spanish)
Presiding arbitrator in a dispute between a company and a bank in relation to a loan agreement (CAM, Madrid, Spanish law, Spanish)
Co-arbitrator in a dispute between two companies in relation to a contract for the installation of a fire protection system in an industrial warehouse (CAM, Madrid, Spanish law, Spanish)
Sole arbitrator in a dispute between two companies in relation to lease and franchise agreements concerning a service station (Spanish Court of Arbitration, Madrid, Spanish law, Spanish)
Sole arbitrator in a dispute between two companies in relation to a services contract for the optimization of costs (CAM, Madrid, Spanish law, Spanish)
Sole arbitrator in a dispute between two companies in relation to a credit insurance policy (Spanish Court of Arbitration, Madrid, Spanish law, Spanish)
Emergency arbitrator in a dispute between two companies in relation to a franchise agreement concerning an establishment in the Madrid region of Spain (CAM, Madrid, Spanish law, Spanish)
Emergency arbitrator in a dispute between two companies in relation to a franchise agreement concerning an establishment in the Asturias region of Spain (CAM, Madrid, Spanish law, Spanish)
Sole arbitrator in a dispute between two individuals in relation to a lease agreement (CAM, Madrid, Spanish law, Spanish)