Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Band 5

Intellectual Property: Litigation

Nationwide - Canada

1 Years Ranked

Ranked in Guides


Provided by Nisha Anand


Practice Areas

- Intellectual Property Litigation

- Life Sciences

- Patents


"Canada: SEPs and FRAND – Litigation, Policy and Latest Developments." IAM Media, 8 Dec. 2023, www.iam-media.com/hub/sepfrand-hub/2023/article/canada-seps-and-frand-litigation-policy-and-latest-developments.

“Patented Medicines Notice of Compliance Regulations” Chapter in Blanchard (ed), Life Sciences Law in Canada, 2nd ed (Toronto: Carswell, looseleaf)

Kristin Wall and Nisha Anand: “Recent Trends in Canadian Biologics Patent Litigation” FDLI Update, 2014

Heller, D. & Anand N. “Functional Pharma Claim Flawed, Finds Federal Court of Canada”, APLF IP Law Bugle, 2010

Thornton S, Anand N, Purcell D, Lee J. (2003) Not just for housekeeping: protein initiation and elongation factors in cell growth and tumorigenesis. J Mol Med. 81(9): 536-48, 2003

Anand N, Murthy S, Amann G, Wernick M, Porter LA, Cukier IH, Collins C, Gray JW, Diebold J, Demetrick DJ, Lee JM. (2002) Protein elongation factor EEF1A2 is a putative oncogene in ovarian cancer. Nat Genet. Jul;31(3):301-5.

Work Highlights

Weatherford Canada Ltd. et al v. Corlac Industries (1998) Ltd. et al T-1236-01 (2008-2010) Co-counsel to the defendants in a patent infringement action and the appellants in the subsequent appeal

Apotex Inc. v. Eli Lilly Canada Inc. T-1321-97 (2013) Co-counsel to Eli Lilly in a section 8 damages action pursuant to the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations

Apotex Inc. v. Hoffman-La Roche Limited T-1165-09 (2013-2015) Co-counsel to Hoffman La-Roche in a section 8 damages action pursuant to the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations

Apotex Inc. v. Pfizer Inc. et al T-1736-10 (2014-2016) Co-counsel to Pfizer in a section 8 damages action pursuant to the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations

Gilead Sciences, Inc. et al. v Apotex Inc. et al. 2016 FC 856 Co-counsel to Gilead in a proceeding under the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) regulations

Gilead Sciences, Inc. v Teva Canada Limited T-1888-15 (2015) Co-counsel to Gilead in a proceeding under the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) regulations and a patent infringement action.

Safe Gaming System Inc. v. Atlantic Lottery Corporation et al. 2018 FC 871 (2017) Co-counsel to Safe Gaming System in a patent infringement action

Paladin Labs Inc. v. The Minister of Health and Taro Pharmaceuticals Inc. T-157-16 (2015-2016) Co-counsel to Paladin Labs in an application for judicial review of a decision by the Minister of Health

Apotex Inc. v. Merck Sharp and Dohme Corp. CV-1200-454108-0000 (2015-2017) Co-counsel to Merck in an action for damages under the Statute of Monopolies and Trademarks Act

Wi-LAN Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc. et al T-1349-17 (2017-2020) Co-counsel to Wi-LAN in a patent infringement action involving issues related to Standards Essential Patents (SEPs) and FRAND

Wi-LAN Inc. v. Bell Mobility Inc., Rogers Communications Canada Inc. and Telus Communications Company T-303-16, T-304-16 and T-301-16 (2018-2020) Co-counsel to Wi-LAN in a patent infringement action involving issues related to Standards Essential Patents (SEPs) and FRAND

Viiv Healthcare Company et al. v. Gilead Sciences, Inc. 2020 FC 486 T-226-18, 2021 FCA 122 Co-counsel to Gilead in a patent infringement action where non-infringement was decided by summary trial.

Pliteq Inc. v. Ecore International Inc. et al T-365-20 (2020-2021) Co-counsel to Pliteq Inc. in a patent infringement action

Ecore International Inc. v. Pliteq Inc. T-1479-19 (2020-2021) Co-counsel to Pliteq in a patent infringement action

Pliteq Inc. v. Ecore International, Inc. T-875-16 (2020-2021) Co-counsel to Pliteq in an action for trademark infringement and making false and misleading representations under the Trademarks and Competition Acts

Pliteq Inc. v. Wilrep Ltd. T-554-16 (2020-2021) Co-counsel to Pliteq in an action for trademark infringement and making false and misleading representations under the Trademarks and Competition Acts

Pliteq Inc. v. Sof Surfaces Inc. CV-18-00611575-0000 (2021-2022) Co-counsel to Pliteq in an action for trademark infringement and making false and misleading representations under the Trademarks and Competition Acts

Wi-LAN Inc. v. Apple Inc. et al T-893-21 (2021-2022) Co-counsel to Wi-LAN in a patent infringement action involving issues related to Standards Essential Patents (SEPs) and FRAND

The Incorporated d.b.a. The Tragically Hip v. Trillium Beverage Inc. d.b.a Mill Street Brewery T-236-21 (2021-2022) Co-counsel to The Tragically Hip in a trademark and copyright infringement action related to the song “At the Hundredth Meridian”

Medexus Pharmaceuticals Inc. et al v. Accord Healthcare Inc. and Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd. T-1007-20 (2022-2023) Co-counsel for the defendants in a patent infringement action

Steelhead LNG (ASLNG) Ltd. et al v. ARC Resources et al T-1488-20 (2022-2023) Co-counsel to Steelhead in a patent infringement action

The Haudenosaunee Development Institute v. Garlow Media d/b/a/ Two Row Times et al CV-23-00699171-0000 (2023- ) Co-counsel to The Haudenosaunee Development Institute in an action for libel and defamation


University of Toronto, Faculty of Law



McMaster University, Medical Sciences



Acadia University



Chambers Review

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Intellectual Property: Litigation - Nationwide - Canada

Band 5
Individual Editorial

Nisha Anand has considerable experience representing clients in patent litigation matters, particularly in the pharmaceutical and energy sectors. She is managing partner at Gilbert's and is based in Toronto.

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Nationwide - Canada

Intellectual Property: Litigation

Nisha Anand
Nisha Anand
Band 5