Practice Areas
Nancy Kleer is one of the founding partners of OKT. In her practice of Treaty and Aboriginal rights and environmental law, she represents First Nations and Aboriginal clients negotiating modern treaties and responding to or becoming involved in a variety of resource developments, such as mineral exploration, mining, hydroelectric development, in advising on the duty to consult and accommodate, and in providing support to litigation teams. Nancy also advises First Nations on federal and provincial environmental protection and assessment law, including assisting in the EA process, making submissions to various environmental tribunals and advising on species at risk issues. She provides legal advice and does legal drafting on issues addressed in negotiations for comprehensive land claims, Aboriginal self-government, and in negotiations and implementation of impacts and benefits agreements between proponents and First Nations.
Nancy has assisted in settling long-standing grievances between First Nations and Ontario Power Generation (formerly Ontario Hydro). She has advised on establishment and implementation of First Nation trusts. She advises on establishment of and additions to Indian reserves under the Additions to Reserve Policy, and provides advice on Band Council governance issues, reserve land management and funding for and devolution of federal programs and services for First Nations.
Nancy is listed as “most frequently recommended” by The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory. Nancy is a member of the Ontario and Newfoundland and Labrador bars.