Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Band 4


South Africa

7 Years Ranked


Provided by Lara Granville


Practice Areas

Competition Law

Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals


Lara Granville is a Director in our Competition Law practice. She has extensive experience in both the transactional and litigious aspects of competition law. She has advised on all aspects of competition law, including complex merger notifications; compliance training; negotiating consent orders; defending clients against prohibited practice allegations; and merger notifications to, and engagement with, various African competition law authorities. She has also advised clients in relation to other economic regulatory processes before the South African telecommunications and energy regulators.


Co-authored the Regulatory ambiguity and policy uncertainty in South Africa’s telecommunications sector working paper in Economic Research Southern Africa 2018 publication.

Authored South African chapter for GCR Know-how - Antimonopoly & Unilateral Conduct 2017.

South African contributions to the Antitrust Law Committee of the American Bar Association’s (ABA) “Year in Review” each year from 2012 – 2017.

Co-authored the South African chapter (together with Judge Dennis Davis, president of the Competition Appeal Court) of E Fox & M Trebilcock eds, The Design of Competition Law Institutions: Global Norms, Local Choices (OUP, 2013). This study forms part of an NYU project on ‘Global Administrative Law’.

More available here: https://www.cliffedekkerhofmeyr.com/en/news/index.html?contact=/en/people/lara-granville.html

Chambers Review

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Chambers Global Guide

Competition/Antitrust - South Africa

Band 4
Individual Editorial

Lara Granville has considerable experience advising on merger control matters. She also acts on matters relating to high-profile cartel and excessive pricing investigations and market inquiries. She moved to MGI Competition in December 2024 after leaving Cliffe Dekker.


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South Africa


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