Chambers Review
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Band 3
Band 4
Provided by Kristin Haram Førde
Kristin Haram Førde’s focus is technology and privacy. Throughout her career, she has drafted and negotiated a variety of commercial technology agreements, tailored for use in Norway and abroad. She also assists with privacy issues and helps companies in facilitating the processing of personal data. In addition, Kristin renders advice on questions related to securing the ownership and value of business-critical data.
She also has extensive expertise with cyber security and assists companies that have been exposed to cyberattacks with risk-reducing measures.
Kristin’s long career as both an in-house lawyer and outside counsel for technology companies, has provided her with a unique understanding of the IT industry's "tribal language", the game-changing technological development that has formed the industry, and contracts for technology deliveries and digitization. This allows Kristin to draft and negotiate technology contracts for customers and suppliers alike, based on her insight into the parties' needs. Kristin has also assisted in several major national and international IT dispute negotiations.
2016– Partner, Bull
2014–2016 Director, Legal Nordics CSC
2014 Principal Lawyer, Legal Nordics CSC
2010–2014 Senior Attorney, Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS
2006–2010 Associate and Attorney, Simonsen Advokatfirma DA
2004–2006 Senior Legal Manager, Oracle Norge AS
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