
Provided by Juan Enrique Puga Valdés

Latin America

Practice Areas

Trademarks, Patents

Utility Models and Industrial Designs

Legal Actions Related to the Infringement of Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights


Plant Variety Registrations

Domain Names

Protection in the face of Unfair Competition

Licenses / Distribution Agreements

Sanitary Registrations

Economic valuation of innovations and fulfillment of patentability requirements

Layouts or topography of integrated circuits



Lycée de L’Alliance Francaise of Santiago.

Law studies at the Diego Portales University.


During his professional career he has specialized in economics and finance at the University of Chile and in intellectual property in Chile and Tokyo, Japan, among other studies on the subject.

His experience and practice is linked to two areas. Corporate and business matters, serving Chilean and foreign clients, from the beginning of their businesses, establishing their companies or other investment instruments in Chile until the development of their activities, in addition to the judicial and extrajudicial resolution of disputes in said areas. The foregoing includes advice on civil and commercial matters, contracts, partnerships, civil and commercial litigation and negotiations.

Likewise, he has specialized in intellectual property, an activity that he develops in advising all kinds of intangible assets such as trademarks, invention patents, copyright, Internet, domain names, from their registration to the contracts and protection of such intangibles.

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