Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Band 2



6 Years Ranked


Provided by Jorge Ibarrola


Practice Areas

Jorge Ibarrola is a Swiss qualified Attorney-at-Law specialising in the legal representation, consulting and mediation for sports and business clients. After more than four years of experience as Counsel for the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), he created his private practice in 2007 in Lausanne, which expanded in 2009 with the foundation of Libra Law. Jorge Ibarrola advises and represents in particular, clients from the world of sport, such as national and international sports federations, football clubs, athletes and players, coaches and agents, as well as sponsors, events organisers, etc. He proceeds as counsel in international arbitration proceedings, notably before the CAS, and in ordinary judiciary proceedings before Swiss courts, including the Swiss Federal Tribunal. He is also an Accredited Mediator (SBA, CEDR and IEMEDEP), sworn by the Cantonal Tribunal of Vaud.

Professional Memberships

Swiss & Vaud Bar associations (SBA & OAV)

Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA)

Club Español de Arbitraje (CEA)

Swiss Sports Law Association (ASDS)

Rex Sport




- Recursos ante el Tribunal Federal Suizo contra los laudos del TAS, in El Arbitraje en el TAS, Capitulo 18, Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Navarra, España, 2021

- Football Law, Chapter 10 of the Handbook of the Football Association Management, 4th edition, UEFA Academy, 2021.

- What Does The Singapore Convention Mean For The Future Of International Sports Mediation? In LawInSport, 11 September 2020

- Selected Recent Procedural Issues Arising In CAS Arbitral Proceedings, in New Developments in “International Commercial Arbitration 2018”, Satämpfli Editions, UNINE, 2018.

- La Extinción del Contrato de Deportista en Suiza, in La extinción del contrato del deportista en Europa y Latinoamérica”, Madrid, 2017

- Comment of the award CAS 2015/A/4137 Olympique Lyonnais v. AS Roma, Award of 16 November 2015, in Football Legal # 7 June 2017

- Comment on award CAS 2015/A/4351, Vsl Pakruojo FK, Darius Jankauskas, Armas Mikaitis, Sigitas Olberkis, Valdas Pocevicius, Alfredas Skroblas, Donatas Strockis, Diogo Gouveia Miranda, C.H. Alexandru, Taras Michailiuk v. Lithuanian Football Federation, Award of 13 July 2016, in Duval and A. Rigozzi (eds.), Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration 2016

- Contador: burden of proof & presumption of culpability, worldsportslawreport 04/12, London, 2014

- The CAS Ad Hoc Division at the Olympic Games: What Might Happen in Sotchi, Favorit Magazine (published in Russian), 2013

- La carga de la prueba y la presunción, El País, Madrid, 2012

- Participation after serving a doping ban: Dehiba case, worldsportslawreport 08/11, London, 2011

- La jurisprudence du TAS en matière de football – questions de procédure et de droit de fond, in “The Proceedings before the Court of Arbitration for Sport”, CAS & FSA/SAV Conference, Weblaw, Berne, 2007

- Les prix imposés de revente : étude de droit comparé des Etats-Unis, du Canada, de la Suisse et de la Communauté européenne, M. thesis, McGill, Montreal 1995

Languages Spoken




Chambers Review

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Sport - Switzerland

Band 2
Individual Editorial
Jorge Ibarrola is held in high regard for the depth of his expertise in representing international federations and football entities in international arbitration proceedings, notably before the CAS.

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