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Provided by Frank Peters
Corporate and commercial litigation, shareholder activism, class actions and climate change litigation.
Frank represents corporations, hedge funds and NGO’s in high stake litigation.
In 1997, Frank Peters was admitted to the Amsterdam bar. After a career in tax an corporate law at the Dutch big law firms, he moved into litigation. First with litigation boutique Spigt Litigators and in 2014 he (co) founded bureau Brandeis, Amsterdam.
Frank is involved in several class actions and other high stakes litigations, including in the field of climate change, representing NGO’s on the claimants’ side.
Member of the International Bar Association (IBA)
Co-founder and board member of the Vereniging Voor Massaschade Advocaten (VVMA, Society for Dutch Class Action Plaintiff Lawyers)
Member of the CPO / Radboud University committee for developing the legal course 'Climate and Law'.
Frank Peters (1973) speaks Dutch, English, French and (conversational) Russian and German. Frank Peters studied European Studies (management, economics and French) at London University, and civil and tax law at the University of Groningen. He is married with four children and a funny but poorly behaving dog, Abbie.
Diesel Emission Justice Foundation (DEJF)
Stichting Massaschade & Consument (M&C)
Stichting Truck Cartel Recovery
Stichting Belangenbehartiging Crediteuren BMA Nederland
Grant & Eisenhofer, KTMC
Parem & Monolith
Boudewijn Poelmann
West Coast Supply Group
Stichting CSS Claims
Stichting FX Claims
The Netherlands.
Dutch, English, French, German, (conversational) Russian.
Hedge fund activism (ABN AMRO, Philips, ASMI)
Commercial disputes (Fox and Disney in a dispute relating to sports channels; wind energy developers in disputes with turbine producers, land owners, development partners, (local) governments, etc.)
Class actions (TPC v. Oracle, Salesforce; Stichting M&C v. Google)
Climate Change Litigation (Greenpeace v. Schiphol, Fossielvrij v. KLM)
"Investors knock on board room doors more and more", (in Dutch), Camil Driessen, NRC Handelsblad, 6 January 2016
‘The shareholders’ right to put items to the agenda and the risk for the Dutch state of being liable due to breaches of EU law’, appeared in Dutch: ‘Vrijheid van meningsuiting – Over de Europeesrechtelijke verplichting om aandeelhouders aan het woord te laten’ in Makkink e.a. (red.), Ik ben niet overtuigd, liber amicorum voor Peter Ingelse ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als voorzitter van de Ondernemingskamer, Nijmegen: Ars Aequi Libri 2015 (samen met Floor Eikelboom).
‘The conflict between Boskalis and Fugro concerning the right to place items on the agenda’, appeared in Dutch: ‘De strijd over het agenderingsrecht tussen Boskalis en Fugro’, Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie (WPNR), 2015/7061 (samen met Floor Eikelboom).
‘Ondernemingsrechtelijke inpassing van aandelenderivaten’, Ondernemingsrechtelijke inpassing van aandelenderivaten, in: M. Holtzer, A.F.J.A. Leijten & D.J. Oranje (red.), Geschriften vanwege de Vereniging Corporate Litigation 2010-2011, Deventer: Kluwer 2011 (samen met D.F.F.F.M. Duynstee).
‘Nut en noodzaak van art 2359d BW (verkoopprocedure na openbaar bod)’, TOP (Tijdschrift voor de Ondernemingsrechtpraktijk), nr. 8, December 2010.
‘Aandeelhoudersrechten en plichten bij een beurs-NV: een schema’, TOP (Tijdschrift voor de Ondernemingsrechtpraktijk), nr. 5, juli 2009.
‘Activistische aandeelhouders en voorwetenschap over zichzelf’, TOP (Tijdschrift voor de Ondernemingsrechtpraktijk), nr. 4, juni 2008.
‘Hedgefunds handelen waar stakeholders zwijgen’, Het Financieele Dagblad, 2007.
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
1992 - 1997
Royal Holloway, University London
1991 - 1992
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