Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Band 4

Public Law


17 Years Ranked


Provided by Fernando Raúl García Pullés

Latin America


Fernando Raúl García Pullés has held various positions of immense prestige during his career, many of them in the public sector.

Legal Advisor to the Office of the Procurador General de la Nación (Attorney General of the Treasury) (1981–1989)

Director of Judicial and Fiscal Affairs at the Office of Procurador General de la Nación (Attorney General of the Treasury) (1989–1991)

Deputy Attorney General of the Treasury of the Nation (1991–1995)

Deputy Attorney General of the Treasury of the Nation, Acting as Attorney General by Decision of the Executive Branch (1994)

Undersecretary for Cabinet Coordination – Office of the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers (1995–1996)

Substitute Judge of the Federal Court of San Isidro (1987–1991)

Advisor to the Senate of the Nation (1996–1999)

Honorary Director of the Permanent Advisory Commission of MERCOSUR of the Honorable Senate of the Nation, Argentine Republic (1998–2000)

External Advisor to ANSES (2000–2012)

Substitute Judge of the Federal Administrative and Tax Law Appeals Chamber of the City of Buenos Aires (2005–present)

President of the Argentine Association of Administrative Law (AADA) (2016–2018) and Member of its Executive Committee to date.

During his legal career, which spans over 40 years, he was a part of numerous law firms, having occupied top positions in every one of them.

Law Firm "Ugarte – García Pullés" (1979–1985)


Law Firm "Calatrava, García Pullés, Masoni y Asoc." (1985–1991)


Law Firm "García Lema" (1997–1999)

Founding Partner

Law Firm "García Pullés, Calatrava & Asociados" (1999–2006)

Founding Partner

O’Farrell Law Firm (2006–2020)


Law Firm "García Pullés & Calatrava Abogados" (2020–present)

Founding Partner


He has published well over 50 articles over the course of his professional career, the latest of which are:

“Effects of Annulment Judgments on Regulations: Procedural, Constitutional, and Administrative Law Perspectives” (Published in La Ley Legal Journal, Volume 2000-C, p. 1166).

“The Responsibility of the State Lawyer” (Published in State Responsibility and Public Officials, a collective work, 2001).

“Telecommunications Deregulation” (Published in the Legal Journal of the Student Center, Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires, February 2001).

“The Principles of Equality and Truth as Limits for the Regulation of Rights within the Framework of Public Employment Relationships” (Published in Jurisprudencia Argentina, Administrative Law Supplement, March 2003, Supplement to Issue No. 13, pp. 51 and onwards).

“The Importance of the Judicial Process in the Argentine Republic and the Need to Ensure Effectiveness as a Condition for Judicial Independence” (Published in the CONAPAS Foundation Bulletin, Year I, No. 5, July 2003).

“Once Again on the Effects of Judgments Admitting Nullity Claims Against Illegitimate Regulations” (To be published by the General Legal Counsel of the Province of Buenos Aires, December 2004).

“Ángel Estrada: The Supreme Court and the Basis of Jurisdictional Authority. Powers of the Legislator and Litigants” (Published in Jurisprudencia Argentina, Special Issue 2005-III, pp. 38 and onwards).

“The Distinction Between Crimes and Misdemeanors: Surrounding Legal Framework. A New and Accurate Doctrine from the Court” (Published in Jurisprudencia Argentina, Administrative Law Supplement, September 2006, pp. 3 and onwards).

“Constitutional Procedural Guarantees, Administrative Procedure, and the Sanctioning Power of the Administration” (Published in Administrative Law – Special Series, 2007, pp. 623–638).

“Provisional Compensation Injunctions in Administrative Litigation” (Published in the Administrative Law Journal by Lexis Nexis, 1st Semester 2009, in press).

“Judgments Declaring the Unconstitutionality of Laws Violating Collective Rights: The End of the Paradigm of Subjective Limits to Res Judicata? The Birth of Class Actions?” (Published in La Ley, Year LXXIII No. 44, pp. 4–9, March 4, 2009).

Study: “Provisional Injunctions in Administrative Litigation” (Published in Administrative Law Doctrine, Jurisprudence, Legislation, and Practice Journal by Abeledo Perrot, April–June 2009, Issue 68, pp. 303–318).

“Toxic Use of Institutions and Precarious Public Employment: Good Faith Obligations for the State. The Supreme Court Rulings in Ramos and Sánchez” (Published in Jurisprudencia Argentina, Special Issue 2010-II, “Public Employment,” Coordinator Fernando García Pullés, Abeledo Perrot, June 2, 2010, Issue 9, pp. 2–13).

“A New Concept of ‘Case’ in the Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court and Its Impact on Administrative Process and Procedure” (Published in the Extraordinary Administrative Law Supplement on the 75th Anniversary of La Ley Legal Journal, August 2010).

“New Perspectives on Administrative Litigation” (La Ley 2012-E, p. 1270).

“Federal and Provincial Powers Regarding Natural Resources” (La Ley 2015-E, p. 884).

“The Presidential Power to Remove Federal Agency Authorities” (La Ley 2015-A, p. 1059).

“On the Need to Enact an Administrative Litigation Code” (Published in Contributions to the Systematization of Federal Administrative Litigation Norms from the Federal Congress on Legislative Reforms, Mar del Plata, February 2014, organized by the undersecretary for Relations with the Judiciary and Penitentiary Affairs and the General Directorate of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Office of the President).

“The Influence of the Instance Enabling System on Statutory Limitations in Administrative Litigation” (La Ley, November 14, 2016).

“Current Trends in Constitutional and Administrative Procedural Law in Argentina” (Published in the book Tribute to Professor Carlos Delpiazzo, Montevideo, 2019).

“Administrative Sanctioning Powers and Criminal Law Guarantees” (Published in Prudentia Juris Journal by the Catholic University of Argentina, Buenos Aires, 2020).


Among the clients he represents or has represented in the fields of corporate, administrative, and judicial litigation law are: (1) Nortia Capital Investment Holding; (2) Dupont Argentina SRL (now Corteva SRL); (3) Seguro de Depósitos S.A.; (4) Casino Buenos Aires S.A.; (5) Mutual Club Ben Hur; (6) Federación Instituto de Ayuda Económica Mutual; (7) Fideicomiso Puerto Madero Siete; (8) Gas Natural Ban (now Naturgy); (9) BBVA – Banco Francés; (10) Vizora Desarrollos Inmobiliarios; (11) Association of Magistrates and Judicial Officials of the Nation; (12) Vialnoa S.A.

In 2015, he was engaged by Casinos Austria International Holding GmbH to testify as an expert witness in Argentine law before the ICSID in a dispute involving the company's concession revoked by the government of Salta, Argentina.

Languages Spoken

He is fluent in both english and spanish.


Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina Santa María de los Buenos Aires

Lawyer - Summa cum laude


Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina Santa María de los Buenos Aires

Doctorate in Judicial Science



"Distinguished Personality in the Field of Legal Sciences"

Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires


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Public Law - Argentina

Band 4
Individual Editorial
Fernando Raúl García Pullés of García Pullés & Calatrava Abogados continues to boast a solid practice advising clients across Argentina's public law arena.


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Fernando Raúl García Pullés
Fernando Raúl García Pullés
Band 4