Ernesto Benito Sancho
Global Guide 2024
Band 3 : Dispute Resolution: Most in Demand Arbitrators
Band 3
Provided by Ernesto Benito Sancho
Practice Areas
Ernesto Benito Sancho is an arbitration lawyer qualified in Spain and State Attorney (1998) on voluntary leave of absence since 2005. Before founding his own arbitration and litigation boutique (RRBS Legal) with fellow State Attorney Manuel Romero Rey, Ernesto was the Director of the Litigation and Arbitration Department of one of the leading Spanish law firms for 15 years.
He is also Professor of Procedural Law and Arbitration at the prestigious Carlos III University Law School of Madrid and IE Law School. He writes regularly for prestigious legal publications.
As State Attorney on voluntary leave, his expertise includes public works, regulated sectors (with special focus on telecommunications, energy and banking), public procurement, investment arbitration and taxation. He is also an expert in sports law, member of the board of directors of the golf federation of Madrid.
Ernesto has extensive experience in litigation and arbitration, both as counsel and as arbitrator. He has acted in numerous arbitration proceedings as sole arbitrator or member of arbitral tribunals in major national and international courts, including the recently created Madrid International Arbitration Centre (MIAC). He is Asociate Arbitrator of the Civil and Mercantil Court or Arbitration of Madrid.
He speaks Spanish, English and French.