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16 Years Ranked


Provided by Édis Milaré

Brazil: Industries & Sectors

Practice Areas

Environmental Law.


Climate Changes.


Founder of Milaré Advogados (1996) - the first law firm in the country dedicated exclusively to environmental law.

Retired Justice Attorney, he was the creator of the Coordination of Environmental Prosecutors in the Public Prosecution Service of the State of São Paulo, in 1985.

In the Public Ministry, he acted in defense of the Environment, promoting pioneering actions, which are paradigms for jurisdictional protection in all Brazilian states.

Co-author of the preliminary draft of the Public Civil Action Law (Law 7.347/1985), an institute that has revolutionized Law practice in the defense of transindividual interests.

One of the main contributors to the writing of Chapter VI of the 1988 Federal Constitution, on Social Order, precisely with regard to the treatment of the Environment in terms of citizenship and environmental policy.

At the head of the Secretariat of Environment of the State of São Paulo, from July 1992 to January 1995, he modernized the structure of the public machine, speeding up the environmental licensing processes, as well as stimulating an intense dialogue with entities from civil society in order to reduce distances and minimize conflicts between government and population.

He was president of the Commission of Jurists, instituted by the Government of the State of São Paulo, with the purpose of elaborating a Draft of the National Environmental Code (Decree 36.860, of June 5, 1993, as amended by Decree 39.684, of December 15, 1994).

In Environmental Management, he was president of the Foundation for the Conservation and Forest Production of the State of São Paulo (Fundação Florestal), from January 1995 to August 1997, concentrating efforts in research, education, and inspection of the State's conservation units.

He was president of the Superior Council for the Environment of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo – FIESP.

He actively participated in the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20, held in 2012 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Before this important international event, it had already marked its presence at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Eco-92, in 1992, also in the city of Rio de Janeiro, taking its proposals to numerous discussions.

He is a professor in the Specialization Course in Diffuse and Collective Interests (Environmental Law) at the Study and Functional Improvement Center of the Public Prosecution Service of the State of São Paulo, and an invited professor in the Specialization Course in Environmental Law of the Diffuse and Collective Rights Department of the Law School of PUC/SP.

He is a professor in the Specialization Course in Diffuse and Collective Interests (Environmental Law) at the Study and Functional Improvement Center of the Public Prosecution Service of the State of São Paulo, and an invited professor in the Specialization Course in Environmental Law of the Diffuse and Collective Rights Department of the Law School of PUC/SP.

Founding partner of APRODAB - Association of Professors of Environmental Law of Brazil, an entity that promotes the dissemination of this subject in the country, currently serving as a consulting advisor.

He led the formation of the Brazilian Union of Environmental Advocacy - UBAA, a class entity founded in 2016, currently serving as director of the Advisory Board.

He is the author of several books, including the renowned work Law of the Environment, which is on the verge of its 13th edition, in addition to a vast doctrinal and academic production.


Lei Florestal: uma análise após 10 anos (Forest Law: an analysis after 10 years (coordinator and co-author). São Paulo: Thomson Reuters/RT, 2022.

40 anos da Lei da Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente: reminiscências, realidade e perspectivas (40 years of the National Environmental Policy Law: reminiscences, reality and perspectives). Coordinator and co-author. São Paulo/Belo Horizonte, Editora D´Plácido, 2021.

Direito do Ambiente 12ª ed. (Environmental Law 12th ed.). São Paulo: Thomson Reuters/RT, 2020. (author).

Ação Civil Pública após 35 anos (co-coordinator and co-author) (The Public Civil Action after 35 years). São Paulo: RT, 2020.

Direito Ambiental e os 30 nos da Constituição de 1988 (Environmental Law and the 30 Years of the 1988 Constitution (co-author). Londrina: UBAA/Editora Thoth, 2018.

30 Anos da CF e o Direito Brasileiro (co-author) (30 Years of the FC and Brazilian Law). São Paulo: GEN/Editora Forense, 2018.

Infraestrutura no Direito do Ambiente (co-coordinator and co-author) (Infrastructure in Environmental Law). São Paulo: RT, 2016.

Ciência e Consciência (co-author) (Science and Conscience). Ribeirão Preto: Migalhas, 2015.

Dicionário de Direito Ambiental (Dictionary of Environmental Law). São Paulo: RT, 2015.

Manual de Direito Público e Privado (coauthor) (Manual of Public and Private Law). 19ª th ed. São Paulo: RT, 2013.

Temas Fundamentais de Direitos Difusos e Coletivos: Desafios e Perspectivas (co-author) (

Fundamental Issues in Diffuse and Collective Rights: Challenges and Perspectives). Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2013.

Aspectos Controvertidos do Direito Ambiental: Tutela Material e Tutela Processual (co-author) (Controversial Aspects of Environmental Law: Material and Procedural Protection). Belo Horizonte: Fórum, 2013.

Política Nacional, Gestão e Gerenciamento de Resíduos Sólidos (co-author) (National Policy, Management and Solid Waste Management). São Paulo: Manole, 2012.

Doutrinas essenciais: Direito Ambiental (coord.). Essential doctrines: Environmental Law (coord.).

São Paulo: RT, 2011.

Direito Processual Coletivo e o Anteprojeto de Código Brasileiro de Processos Coletivos (co-author).

Collective Proceedings Law and the Draft of the Brazilian Code of Collective Proceedings. São Paulo: RT, 2007.

Direito, Política e Meio Ambiente: 25 anos da Lei Federal 6.938/81 (co-author) (Law, Politics and Environment: 25 years of Federal Law 6.938/81.Curitiba: Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, Seção Paraná, 2006.

Estudo Prévio de Impacto Ambiental (co-author). Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment (co-author). São Paulo: RT, 1993.

Legislação Ambiental do Brasil (author) (Brazil's Environmental Legislation). São Paulo: APMP, 1991.

Legislação Ambiental Básica (author) (Basic Environmental Legislation). São Paulo: APMP, 1990.

A Ação Civil Pública na Nova Ordem Constitucional (author) (Public Civil Action in the New Constitutional Order). São Paulo: Saraiva, 1990.

Curadoria do Meio Ambiente (author) (Curator of the Environment). São Paulo: APMP, 1988 (Série Cadernos Informativos/ Informative Notebooks Series. São Paulo: APMP, 1988.

A Ação Civil Pública e a Tutela Jurisdicional dos Interesses Difusos (co-author) (Public Civil Action and the Jurisdictional Protection of Diffuse Interests). São Paulo: Saraiva, 1984.

Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers

Brazil: Industries & Sectors

Environment - Brazil

Star Individuals
Individual Editorial

Édis Milaré is a standout environment attorney in the Brazilian market, universally respected for his broad knowledge of the space. He is an expert on both contentious and non-contentious matters.


Édis Milaré is a standout environment attorney in the Brazilian market, universally respected for his broad knowledge of the space. He is an expert on both contentious and non-contentious matters.


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Édis Milaré
Édis Milaré
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