Ranked in 1 Practice Areas


Provided by Donald F Samuel


Practice Areas

White Collar criminal investigations and representation at trial and appellate proceedings, as well as administrative proceedings.


Law Clerk to United States District Court Judge Harold Murphy (NDGa) 1980-1982

Partner at Garland, Samuel & Loeb, PC, 1988 - present.

Professional Memberships

Fellow in the American Board of Criminal Lawyers (inducted in 1999)

Member of the American College of Trial Lawyers (inducted 2000)

Past President of the Georgia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (1993 - 1994)

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers


Georgia Criminal Law Case Finder (three volumes; Lexis Law Publishing updated annually)

Eleventh Circuit Criminal Law Handbook (Lexis Law Publishing, updated annually)

Georgia Crimes and Defenses (Lexis Law Publishing, updated annually)

Federal Criminal Trials (Lexis Law Publishing, updated annually)

Georgia Criminal Evidence Handbook (Lexis Law Publishing, updated annually)

Fourth Amendment Treatise for Georgia Lawyers, Judges, and Students

Numerous Law Journal Articles published in the Georgia Bar Journal including articles on Legal Ethics, the Fourth Amendment, the Use of Filter Teams to protect Attorney- Client Privileged Information; Strategies for Representation of parties in parallel civil and criminal proceedings


Married to Melissa Fay Greene

Nine Children (including four biological, and five adopted from Ethiopia and Bulgaria)


Oberlin College


1971 - 1975

University of Georgia School of Law

Law Degree

1977 - 1980

Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers


Litigation: White-Collar Crime & Government Investigations - Georgia

Band 1
Individual Editorial
Donald Samuel of Garland, Samuel & Loeb has a leading criminal practice and works with clients at the trial and appellate levels.

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Litigation: White-Collar Crime & Government Investigations

Donald F Samuel
Band 1