Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Band 1

Public Law


16 Years Ranked


Provided by Aristide Police


Practice Areas

Professor Aristide Police has an extensive and all-round experience in all sectors of administrative law. He is listed in the highest sector rankings, such as “Hall of Fame” (Legal500) and “Star Individual” (Chambers). He is particularly experienced in the field of public procurement and concessions, public law economics, privatisation of public companies, relations with independent administrative authorities, administrative litigation, proceedings before Italian Supreme Audit Institution and economic and infrastructural planning, as well as EU policies and funding. Professor Police’s academic career is equally significant. He is currently Professor of Administrative Law at the LUISS “Guido Carli” University, having previously held the same position at “Tor Vergata” University in Rome and at the University of Teramo. At the same time, he was appointed Adjunct Professor at the Law School of China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing. He is an Alumnus of the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has been a member of the Board of Auditors of the Italian President of the Republic’s Office, of the Commission for access to administrative documents at Italy’s Prime Minister’s Office and of several Ministerial Commissions, including, most recently, the commission for the drafting of the new Regulation implementing the Italian Code of Public Contracts. He has been a Director of public and private companies, including as Chairman of Alitalia (2006-2008). In 1993, he was admitted to the bar and in 2001, to practice before the Italian Supreme Court.


Full Professor of Administrative Law (Diritto amministrativo) in the School of Law (Facoltà di Giurisprudenza) of the Università LUISS – Guido Carli of Rome.

Barrister behind the Supreme Court. Naming Partner of POLICE & PARTNERS since 2020, previously he has been Partner and Public Law Practice Area responsible for CLIFFORD CHANCE since 2007. He is an expert of Judicial Review of the administrative action and Administrative Justice. He is deputy Director of the Diritto Processuale Amministrativo, a specialised Journal and Author of many Textbooks and Treaties on the subject.

Professional Memberships

- Member of Collegio dei Revisori, Segretariato Generale della Presidenza della Repubblica (2014- up today).

- Member of Commissione per l'accesso ai documenti amministrativi, Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri (2016- up today).

- Deputy Director Rivista Diritto Amministrativo and Member of the Board of Editors dell'Italian Journal of Public Law I.J.P.L., of Munus. - Rivista giuridica dei servizi pubblici and of Diritto dell'Economia Law Review (2011-up today).

- Chairman Organismo di Vigilanza di EUR S.p.A.(2015-up today).

- Member of Commissione sul Codice della Pubblica Amministrazione istituita, in attuazione della legge 3 ottobre 2011, n. 174, Ministero della Pubblica Amministrazione e dell'Innovazione (2011-2012).

- Member of the Commissione paritetica Stato-Regione per l'emanazione dei Decreti legislativi di attuazione dello Statuto speciale (2012-2015).

- Chairman of Comitato di Sorveglianza della Procedura di amministrazione straordinaria di Carrozzeria Bertone S.p.A. (2008-up today).

- Chairman of Comitato Rischi e Controlli e and Organismo di Vigilanza di FIMIT- Fondi Immobiliari Italiani S.g.r. p.A. (2007-2013).

- Member of the Commissione sulla regolazione e la semplificazione amministrativa della vita delle imprese e per il riordino delle competenze e delle attività dello sportello unico per le attività produttive, Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (2006-2008).


He is Author of more than two hundred Books and Essays Monographs, including:

- "La predeterminazione delle decisioni amministrative. Gradualità e trasparenza nell'esercizio del potere discrezionale, pubblicato nella Collana Problemi attuali di diritto amministrativo (diretta da V. Spagnuolo Vigorita e R. Marra- ma)", Esi, Napoli, 1997, pagg. 1-364. Volume finanziato con il contributo del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

- "Il ricorso di piena giurisdizione davanti al giudice amministrativo, vol. I, Profili teorici ed evoluzione storica della giurisdizione esclusiva nel contesto del di- ritto europeo", Collana dell’Istituto di Diritto Pubblico della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università degli Studi di Roma «La Sapienza», Cedam, Padova, 2000, pagg. XII, 1-384

- "Il ricorso di piena giurisdizione davanti al giudice amministrativo, vol. II, Con- tributo alla teoria dell'azione nella giurisdizione esclusiva", Collana dell’Istituto di Diritto Pubblico della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università degli Studi di Roma «La Sapienza», Cedam, Padova, 2001, pagg. X, 1-652

- "Tutela della concorrenza e pubblici poteri. Profili di diritto amministrativo nella disciplina antitrust", Sistema del diritto amministrativo italiano (diretto da F.G. Scoca, F. Roversi Monaco e G. Morbidelli), Giappichelli, Torino, 2007, pagg. XXIV, 1-364.

Textbooks and Treaties:

- "Legislazione delle opere pubbliche e dell’edilizia. Appunti dalle lezioni, Giappichelli", Torino, 2004, pagg. X, 1-310

- "I beni pubblici: tutela, valorizzazione e gestione", Collana della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Roma «Tor Vergata», Giuffré, Milano, 2008, pagg. XX, 1-732

- "Processo amministrativo, Collana Itinera Guide giuridiche", Ipsoa, Milano, 2013, XV, 1- 571;

- "Manuale di Governo del Territorio", Collana “Guide al diritto amministrativo”, Giappichelli, Torino, 2016, pagg. I-XVI, 1-297

- "Compendio di Diritto Processuale Amministrativo", Neldiritto Editore, Bari, 2017, pagg. I-XII, 1-243.


Expert of Public Regulation of Markets and Administrative Law issues in relation to Antitrust Law He is a Member of the Scientific Committee of «Italian Antitrust Review» edited by the Italian Antitrust Authority and Author of many Essay, Textbooks and Treaties on the subject (Tutela della concorrenza e pubblici poteri. Profili di diritto amministrativo nella disciplina antitrust, Giappichelli, Torino, 2007).

He has been appointed advocate in many Antitrust trials on behalf of companies such Enel S.p.a. – Servizio Elettrico Nazionale; A2A Energia S.p.a.; Automobile Club d’Italia – ACI; Carrefour Italia S.p.a.; GS S.p.a.; Philip Morris Italia S.p.a.; Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Telecomunicazioni – AGCOM; PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.a..

Since 2015, he is the only Star Individual in Public Law Category for Chambers Europe; he is “widely recognised as a leading expert in a broad spectrum of public law mandates. He is sought out by an impressive roster of private entities and public institutions. He is a spearhead in the firm, absolutely outstanding, enthuses a source” (Chambers, 2020) and a Leading Individual “highly recommended” (Legal500, 2020).

Expert of Public Procurement and Public Contracts and Concessions, He is Responsible of the Master (II livello) in «Procurement Management» at the Università degli studi di Roma "Tor Vergata". He is Author of many Essays, Textbooks and Treaties on the subject.

Expert of Administrative Controls, Judicial Audit of public Authorities, and Judicial functions of the Court of Auditors. He is a Member of the Scientific Committee of the School of the Italian Court of Auditors (Seminario di formazione permanente della Corte dei Conti) and of the Rivista della Corte dei conti, a specialized Journal edited by Maggioli. He is Author of many Essays, Textbooks and Treaties on the subject.

Expert of Administrative Regulation and Procedures of the National Anticorruption Authority. He is Director of the Master (II livello) in «Anticorruzione» at the Università degli studi di Roma "Tor Vergata". He is Author of many Essays, Textbooks and Treaties on the subject.

Expert of Public Enterprise and Privatisation Procedures. He has been a member of the Expert Group Meeting on Re-inventing Public Enterprise and its Management, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. He has been involved in the Privatisation Procedures as Member of the Board and Chairman of ALITALIA Linee Aeree Italiane S.p.A. (2006 - 2008), and as Consultant of Tirrenia di Navigazione and Siremar S.p.a. (2009 -2015), of Poste Italiane (2014 - 2016), of RAI WAY (2014-2015) of Enel S.p.A. as Consultant of the Ministry of Economy (2015). He is Author of many Essays, Textbooks and Treaties on the subject.

Expert in these Jurisdictions

Regional Administrative Court (T.A.R.), Council of State (Consiglio di Stato), Court of auditors (Corte dei Conti), Ordinary Courts and EU Court of Justice.

Industry Sector Expertise

He is particularly experienced in the field of public procurement and concessions, public law economics, privatisation of public companies, relations with independent administrative authorities, administrative litigation, proceedings before Italian Supreme Audit Institution and economic and infrastructural planning, as well as EU policies and funding.

Languages Spoken

English (C2 level)

Spanish (C1 level)















Liceo Ginnasio dell'Istituto Salesiano di Caserta

High-School Diploma

1981 - 1986

Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sciali LUISS "Guido Carli"

Law Degree

1986 - 1990

London School of Economics and Political Science

Alumnus G.C. Law Department

1988 - 1989

Università degli studi di Perugia


1993 - 1995


Star Individual



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Public Law - Italy

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Aristide Police of Studio Legale Police & Partners maintains an expansive public law practice, with extensive experience handling public tenders, regulatory matters and judicial reviews.


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Aristide Police
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