Chambers Review
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Star Individuals
Band 1
Provided by Ariana Tadler
Class Action
Complex Litigation
Employment Law
Conflict Resolution
- American Association for Justice, Member
- American Bar Association, Member
- American Bar Foundation, Life Fellow
- Bloomberg Law Litigation Innovation Board, Member
- ESchool4Girls, Inc., Mentor and Business Advisor
- Fordham Law Small to Midsize Firm Leaders, Dean's Advisory Council
- Georgetown University Law Center’s Advanced e-Discovery Institute, Advisory Board Member and AEDI 2021 Improved Experience
- Mobilization for Justice, Board Member
- 2020, 2021 Co-Chair of Annual Fundraising Event
- National Association of Consumer Advocates, Working Member
- National Consumer Law Center, Member
- New York American Inns of Court, Emeritus Member
- 2016-2019 Vice President
- New York City Bar Association, Member
- New York State Bar Association, Member
- National Civil Justice Institute, Fellow
- Public Justice, Supporting Member
- The Sedona Conference®, Chair Emeritus of Working Group 1
- 2013-2017 Board of Directors
- 2008-2012 Past Chair of the Steering Committee for Working Group 1 on Electronic Document Retention and Production
- Women Owned Law, Co-Vice President and Board Member
- New York Regional Steering Committee, Member
- Keynote Speaker, "Top Trends That Influence Us All" (Tech Up for Women Conference 2022, 11/15/22)
- Panelist, "The Reality of Stress & Mental Health and the Bright Horizon for Behavioral Telehealth" (Columbia Business School,
- Presenter, "ESI Protocols: To Have or Not to Have" (University of Florida’s 9th Annual Law E-Discovery Conference, Virtual, 03/23/22)
- Presenter, "The Future for A Remote Law Firm: How Do We Keep Our Teams Engaged?" (WOL Monthly Meeting - Table Talks, Virtual,
- Presenter, "Procedure Beyond Rules: Are ESI Protocols as Helpful as We Think They Are?" (Georgetown Law 2021 Advanced
eDiscovery Institute, 11/19/2021)
- Presenter, "Learning from this Nationwide Pilot Project—Reducing the Costs and Delay of Civil Litigation" ( IAALS’ Paths to Justice
Summit Series, Virtual, 09/09/2021)
- Presenter, "Structure for Success…and Sanity" (International Tech Up For Women IFA Berlin Conference 2021, Virtual, 09/02/2021)
- Presenter, "Learning from this Nationwide Pilot Project: A Convening on Reducing the Costs and Delay of Civil Litigation" (IAALS’
Paths to Justice Convening, Virtual, 08/25/2021)
- Presenter, "Electronically Stored Information (ESI): Discovery Requests and Responses" (Practising Law Institute’s Hot Topics in
Electronic Discovery 2021: What Corporate and Outside Counsel Need to Know, Virtual, 05/05/2021)
- Presenter, "Duties of the Responding Party" (AAJ: Rule 30(b)(6) Series: Rule 30(b)(6) Has Been Amended! Learn About the New Rule
and How To Use It, Virtual, 04/14/2021)
- Guest Lecturer, "Proportionality: Weapon or Shield? Assessing the Burden and Cost of E-Discovery" (University of Florida Fredric G.
Levin College of Law, 03/18/2021)
- Presenter, "How to Be Innovative in Your Business Development Efforts" (Women Owned Law, 2021 Virtual Symposium, Pivoting
Forward Together, Women Entrepreneurs at the Cutting Edge of Law,, 03/18/2021)
- Presenter, "8th Annural e-Discovery Conference" (University of Florida - Frederic G Levin College of Law, 03/18/2021)
- Interview, "ESI Survival Guide" (Interviewed by M. Knouff, CDS, Virtual, 03/05/2021)
- Panelist, "Tea Time With Angeion" (Virtual, 03/04/2021)
- Presenter, "Work/Life Balance in the COVID Era" (Tea Time with Angeion Series,Virtual, 03/04/21)
- Faculty, "" (The Sedona Conference Institute-eDiscovery Negotiation Training: Practical Cooperative Strategies, Virtual, 02/09/2021 -
- Moderator, "Explore Cyber Security Initiatives for 2021" (Tech Up for Women 2020 Conference, Virtual, 11/17/2020)
- Presenter, "A New World: Virtual Litigation Practice in a Pandemic" (Women Lawyers of Jefferson County Annual Meeting, Virtual,
- Guest Lecturer, "Consumer Class Actions: The Future of Consumer Class Actions: The Pendulum Swing in the Courts, Congress,
Executive Agencies, and the States?" (University of Michigan Law School, Virtual, 11/09/2020)
- Guest Lecturer, "E-discovery" (Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Virtual, 10/20/2020)
- Presenter, "E-Discovery in Class Actions: Trends and Developments" (Mass Torts Made Perfect Virtual Vegas - Class Actions Track,
- Presenter, "Third-Party Litigation Funding, the Health of the Plaintiffs’ Bar, and You" (Mass Torts Made Perfect Virtual Vegas - Class
Actions Track, 10/14/2020)
- Presenter, "Rule 23 Amendments: How They Are Reshaping Class Action Settlements & What Attorneys Need to Know" (HB
Litigation Conferences & Western Alliance Bank, Virtual, 10/07/2020)
- Presenter, "Effectively Employing Rule 23" (AAJ: 2020 Annual Convention, Virtual, 07/15/2020)
- Presenter, "The ABCs of ESI" (National Employment Lawyers Association’s 2020 Virtual Annual Convention: Community, Learning,
Excellence, 07/08/2020)
- Presenter, "Rule 30(b)(6) Depositions in Class Action Litigation: Deposing or Defending Corporate Witness Depositions" (Global
Cyber Institute and Thomson Reuters, Virtual, 06/11/2020)
- Presenter, "Plenary 1: “Tips from the Trenches" (Women Owned Law Symposium on Women’s Entrepreneurship in Law, 03/11/2020)
- Presenter, "Privacy & Data Breach Class Actions" (Western Alliance Bank: Class Action Law Forum 2020, 03/04/2020)
- Presenter, "The Power of E-Discovery: Best Practices in the Tech Age" (American Association for Justice: Women’s Trial Lawyers
Caucus Leadership Summit, 02/07/2020)
- Presenter, "TAR & AI" (Georgetown Law CLE: 2019 Advanced e-Discovery Institute (“AEDI”), 11/22/2019)
- Moderator, "Advancements in Cyber Security" (Tech Up for Women 2019 Conference, 11/19/2019)
- Presenter, "Should We Build A Better Mousetrap? Privilege Logs - Part 1" (The Sedona Conference® WG1 Annual Meeting, 10/24/2019)
- Presenter, "Handling e-Discovery in Complex Cases" (Global Cyber Institute and Thomson Reuters, 09/27/2019)
- Presenter, "Technology Assisted Review" (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 08/14/2019)
- Presenter, "Considerations When Negotiating ESI/Protective Orders" (AAJ Annual Convention, 07/29/2019)
- Presenter, "2019: A Refined Approach to Discovery in Federal Practice" (National Association of Consumer Advocates, 06/13/2019)
- Presenter, "What a Class Action Attorney Needs to Know to Negotiate an ESI Protocol" (360 Advocacy: Class Action Roundtable,
- Teaching, "2019 E-Discovery Distinguished Speaker" (University of Florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law, 03/11/2019)
- Presenter, "Cases Filed, Claims Advanced and Discovery" (HarrisMartin’s Marriott Data Breach Litigation Conference, 01/29/2019)
- Ariana J. Tadler and Malik C. Price. "The Future of the Remote Law Firm" (Women Owned Law, 9/2022)
- Tadler, Ariana. "Working Well and Happily from Home Requires Boundaries, Planning, and PSAs: To Operate at Your Best, Set
Boundaries for Your Time, Physical Space, and Self-care." (American Bar Association, 2/18/2021)
- Ariana J. Tadler and Brian R. Morrison. "A Framework for ESI Protocols" (Trial© American Association for Justice, June 2020, pp 37-
- Ariana J. Tadler and Henry J. Kelston. "What You Need to Know About the New Rule 37(e)." (Trial© American Association for Justice,
January 2016, pp 20-25)
- Ariana J. Tadler. "APB to Requesting Parties: Preparing for Proportionality." (Thomson Reuters: Practical Law The Journal Litigation,
December 2015/January 2016, pp 28-31)
- Henry J. Kelston, Ariana J. Tadler, Paul McVoy. "Technology-Assisted Review From the Plaintiffs' Side." (Law Technology News,
- Ariana J. Tadler and Henry J. Kelston. "Fears of Discovery Burden are Exaggerated." (The National Law Journal, 12/19/2011)
- Ariana J. Tadler. "Working Well and Happily from Home Requires Boundaries, Planning, and PSAs" (ABA Journal, 02/18/2021)
- Ariana J. Tadler, Brian R. Morrison. "A Framework for ESI Protocols" (AAJ Trial Magazine, 06/2020)
Honorable Shira Scheindlin Lifetime Achievement Award
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Provided by Chambers